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No I'm following a mantra because I chose to, I exercised my free will and decided that trying to make sense of the world in a reasonable and analytical way all the time did not suit me. It suits my husband who has no time for rituals and magic (as he calls it) but luckily we suit each other so that's all that matters. A mutual love and respect.
I think I've just seen the greatest Come Dine With Me ever. Wots this thread about?
We've wandered off onto aliens now.

What CDWM was it?

You need to watch that Derek Acorah bloke. He knows what it's all about. He's definitely not a fake or anyfink.
Oh yes, I feel filled with spirit when I watch him. 

I'm sure Mary was filled with something when she told him she loved Dick.
That's a lot of my anti-Dave stuff...him and his "healing" desperate good people will be taken in by these charlatans.
I'm not sure what to think about that. Him saying he was going to lay hands on Steve's nubs was just shocking. Dave seemed harmless up till then but did he really think people wouldn't find that offensive? The only thing you could say in his defence is he's just plain stupid and had no idea how people would take those comments.
It's the victim blaming that upsets me.

If someones cancer doesn't disappear after the likes of "Caring" Dave has his hands on them then it's their fault for not believing enough.  Or they haven't prayed hard enough, or been "good" enough.

Nah, that doesn't sit well with me.

Cancer's just a twat, it doesn't care about your faith or morals.
It's the victim blaming that upsets me. If someones cancer doesn't disappear after the likes of "Caring" Dave has his hands on them then it's their fault for not believing enough.  Or they haven't prayed hard enough, or been "good" enough. Nah, that doesn't sit well with me. Cancer's just a twat, it doesn't care about your faith or morals.
Seriously, don't let it upset you. BB really should have intervened when Dave said that to Steve but they didn't. Thankfully it's the only time he's been subjected to such idiocy. Dave's going after Shabby and Keeva you can bet your life on it.
I suppose I am an ex Christian ( whatever that means!). I was brought up by 2 wonderful parents who did have a strong faith. I went to sunday school etc and brought my 2 up to be the same.
I don't know when I first started getting disillusioned with the church - it may have been about the time that I actually swapped churches and started going to one that was full of people like Dave.
So for me organised religion is a big no no. There are some very good people who go to church but there are also a lot of twats who just like the attention and thanking God for finding them a car parking space ( yes really!).
I do have a faith though. I don't think I am particularly arrogant but I do believe that there is something else after we die. Not necessarily a paternalistic God but something.
Jackson.... tbf - a lot of what Dave spouts about being drunk on the Lord is claptrap - but I'm ASSUMING that he's reading the Bible, a Christian bible - and not one that he wrote himself... what JJ said SHOULD offend an awful lot of people... (again I'm not a Christian)
 (I am not a Christian either)
I will have to come back and read the rest of this thread later.
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11)
and why shouldn't he be able to ?    all opinions and philosophies are open for criticism. JJ's problem is not that he criticised, it's that he can't take criticism back

It wasn't so much criticising DS, it was the mocking that p*ssed me off. I'm a lapsed Christian, and why I lapsed was as I got older  I questioned the bible, when it was wrote and how it was wrote. Yes everybody does have the right to do that, but to deliberately goad and p*ss take someone's beliefs to me is a no no 
I do agree with you that JJ can not take criticism, he can't take jokes, if fact JJ doesn't take anything at all. He just likes dishing it out and runs with it, on and on and on.
I haven't read the whole thread so sorry if this has already been raised but... If lets say Shilpa Shetty had been reading the Koran (Quran?) and Jade came in and said 'You're not still reading that shit are you'? All hell on earth would have kicked off on the most highest level!!! I'm just saying
I understand what you mean and agree.
If lets say Shilpa Shetty had been reading the Koran (Quran?) and Jade came in and said 'You're not still reading that shit are you'?
Shilpa's a Hindu so she wouldn't be reading that...but I get your point. I also agree that everything and every belief is open to criticism, but there's not much one can say to 'it's a load of shit' except say 'no it isn't'....'yes it is'...'no it isn't' ad nauseum.
Someone with a deep belief is not going to be swayed by an uptight Aussie wannabe who has temper tantrums to get his point across 
I think to call something that you do not either believe in or understand a pile of shit is ignorance at the highest order.

Having said that I think Dave should perhaps take notice of the good book and go into a quiet corner to pray... ( or read the Bible) instead of thrusting it into people's faces all the time.
So actually we have two extremes of behaviour - neither particularly commendable IMO.
Having watched many wildlife shows etc, Elephants,gorillas,chimps etc that mourn their dead ,I think they are so much more worthy than we,an absolutely vile, murdering species,deserve to be here. Think,we have slaughtered millions of own kind over the eons and other species too in our arrogance.We really do deserve to die out,hopefully we won't take too many more other species with us,we have damaged the planet enough.

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