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Since yesterday I've been experiencing problems with my laptop   I don't know if anyone can help me?

Basically if I go to close a window down clicking the X at the top right it won't close.  If I click at the bottom on the bar and ask it to close there it won't either.  The page seems to move up and down and I have very little control over the mouse.  I now can't use it at all as it will only work for a few minutes then refuses to do anything 

I thought I may have a virus but I've done a check and it says not.  In the control panel it says the mouse is working properly.  I did a system restore this morning and it was working fine up until half an hour ago.  Does anyone have a clue what is wrong?  This pooter has been problematic since the day I bought it 2 years ago.  The hard drive has been replaced twice. 

Any suggestions as to what I could do would be greatly appreciated.

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Pengy was it expeinsive to replace your hard drive?  My hard drive is failing and I'm wondering if it would be worth replacing it or buy a new web book as this one has been a bit pants from the start.
it was still under warranty as I got an extended one but it's not this time so I'm scared it will cost a bit 

I've just rebooted back to factory settings and am reload all my stuff but it's still refusing to close windows.
The problem could be with the keyboard - if one of the keys is sticking down, then you would get all sorts of problems like the ones you have. I think it is more likely to be one of the keys controlling the pointer movement & left & right buttons rather than the main keyboard.

Using factory settings or restoring won't help this type of problem. It may be that the problem can be cleared up by cleaning the keyboard. This is a link to a step by step guide to doing this. If you don't feel confident enough to do this yourself, take the laptop in to a good local computer repair shop.

Good luck
El Loro

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