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We will never know what difference it would have made had they been given the goal they quite rightly scored and had taken away from them,but in all honesty they have played badly this time round..

I doubt it would have made any difference, they were just so poor and positioning was abysmal.   You can't put that right with a goal.
As far as I am concerned the premiership teams would be a load of balls without the foreign players, English players are lazy and overpaid, just my opinion though
Some are, some aren't. Some foreign players set the place alight, others are a waste of space. I remember when Villa had David Ginola for a while - the laziest sod on earth. You know that Opta monitoring device they use to track players and count their passes, assists, etc?
They genuinely thought the machine was broke when they used it on Ginola during one match. Turned out it was working fine, he really hadn't moved more than a couple of yards for 90 minutes.
I had to laugh when Capello said England played well. What planet is he on??

He's been told over and over again not to play Gerrard on the left and to play Rooney up front on his own. He listens to nobody but really, what can you expect? He's not English, what does he care? He's bagged six million for leading England to their worst ever defeat in the whole of their world cup history.
I think some people are getting carried away about this German team. Yes they tanked us today but we contributed to our own downfall. We made it very easy for them with Matthew Upson's comedy defensive performance.

They work well as a unit, but they are full of average players who wouldn't get a look in at most top clubs. Their defence is pure clart. If Argentina really have a go at the German defence which they will, Germany will be ripped to shreds.

Has anyone actually sat and watched Mertesacker and Freidrich play before today? Especially Mertesacker, they are gash. And the left back who plays for Bayern (forgot his name) he didn't play today for whatever reason but I seen him play a lot last season and he is an absolute liability.
Crunchy  Nuts
i'm not slating anyone, I just don't want to have to put up with the chavvy family in my street anymore.
ive got chavs over the back, they have uvvuvewhatits too, mine conduct their whole lives in the backgarden shouting at each other thru windows as in

' persephone! you aht of the bathroom yet, im dyin for a feckin pee'

i will never move, they make my day.

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