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Just for some balance on a forum that only ever seems to discuss Shabby in a negative light - a comment from earlier this afternoon:

Shabby wonders if there will be any fit girls in the German Big Brother house. "Football isn't really my thing but fit girls are,"

Because nobody starts threads relating to her having fun is the assumption that she never has any fun?
Cold Sweat
Reference:cold sweat
Just for some balance on a forum that only ever seems to discuss Shabby in a negative light - a comment from earlier this afternoon:
Reference: Shabby wonders if there will be any fit girls in the German Big Brother house. "Football isn't really my thing but fit girls are,"

Because nobody starts threads relating to her having fun is the assumption that she never has any fun?
Well why don't you start a thread about Shabby having fun if it bothers you so much?I haven't seen anyone on any of the threads you have been on agreeing with you about St Shabby.So that being the case you will not bring balance on these threads cos nobody agrees with you. Nothing you have written about her will ever make me think she is anything less than a nasty little attention seeking madam. Clearly you can see things that us mere mortals cannot.
Clearly you can see things that us mere mortals cannot.
Cold Sweat's entitled to an opinion without being jumped on surely?
If he has an opinion on something that someone else does not agree with then surely they can question his reasons? Perhaps I was a little blunt but I would like to know why CS persists in making Shabby out as some kind of victim when she is not.
If he has an opinion on something that someone else does not agree with then surely they can question his reasons? Perhaps I was a little blunt but I would like to know why CS persists in making Shabby out as some kind of victim when she is not.
Because it's an open forum and he has a right to support the HM of his choice. it really wouldn't do if we were all the same - and I don't think we should have to justify our opinions TBH ....some we like - some we don't.
Soozy Woo
If he has an opinion on something that someone else does not agree with then surely they can question his reasons? Perhaps I was a little blunt but I would like to know why CS persists in making Shabby out as some kind of victim when she is not.

Because it's an open forum and he has a right to support the HM of his choice. it really wouldn't do if we were all the same - and I don't think we should have to justify our opinions TBH ....some we like - some we don't.
Okay fair enough - but it could be argued that if someone disagrees with that person they equally should  be allowed to say so and ask why he/she feels like that.I dislike Ben and would willingly give my reasons if challenged.I absolutely cannot see why anyone would like Shabby and would like to see what I am missing in the character of Shabby.CS hasn't come back and answered yet . When he does I will answer accordingly.Yes you are absolutely right when you say that we were all different. Everyone has their faves and everyone says why they like them. I would just like to know why he likes her - simple really.If I have come across as attacking then I can only apologise.
Because it's an open forum and he has a right to support the HM of his choice
i think it's very uncalled for when FMs don't respect the HM choice of others, and then try to garner support with a "ganging-up" intent.

I am not trying to get anyone to gang up on anyone else.
I will retire defeated and can only apologise for offense caused.
Ganging up (perceived) is unavoidable when you choose to defend a housemate who is held in low regard by the very vast majority.  Except it's not ganging up, it's just everyone completely disagreeing with what you have to say because it is so very far removed from what the very vast majority of people are thinking.

I don't think anyone is ganging up on anyone in this particular thread and it's kinda silly to suggest otherwise.  Specifically the counter-argument Cold Sweat tried to make was completely off topic to this OP.  He was basically complaining that we don't make enough pro-Shabby threads.  Go make one yourself then...
I don't think anyone is ganging up on anyone in this particular thread and it's kinda silly to suggest otherwise
i simply offered my opinion specifically in unison with the poster i responded to. 
And i stand by what i've said, without any would be kinda silly to expect otherwise. Furthermore, to carefully select a term used in my post among other comments made, perhaps indicates that you "perceive" me as an easier target - silly again.  
to assume the position as "the voice of the majority" without providing quantitative material to support your assumption is.......hello. 
i simply offered my opinion specifically in unison with the poster i responded to. And i stand by what i've said, without any would be kinda silly to expect otherwise. Furthermore, to carefully select a term used in my post among other comments made, perhaps indicates that you "perceive" me as an easier target - silly again. to assume the position as "the voice of the majority" without providing quantitative material to support your assumption is.......hello.

You suggested comments made to Cold Sweat were made in the hope people would gang up on him because he supports a highly questionable HM, implying Isadora had no mind of her own to express her own opinion without depending on others.
Spidermonkey simply explained the utter idiocy of your 'ganging up' comments. Feel free to embarass yourself further with each post you make.
Feel free to embarass yourself further with each post you make.
Your constant intervention without being referred to,
also suggests that the poster you're consistently trying to defend "needs" your help to fight her arguments....*sigh* if only men would think more with their heads.  
do continue with your "knight in shining armour" bit - and refer to your own wise quote.
Your constant intervention without being referred to, also suggests that the poster you're consistently trying to defend "needs" your help to fight her arguments....*sigh* if only men would think more with their heads. do continue with your "knight in shining armour" bit - and refer to your own wise quote
So now you've been made to look ridiculous you resort to childish accusations. Righto. I was defending her right to express her opinions which, ironically, is where you came into the equation, defending Cold Sweat on the same basis. I won't however assume you are trying to get into his pants. That would be quite pathetic, would it not?

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