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they did actually do it in the order the bookies had them in, so it may well be that'no particular order' doesn't actually mean that.
The 'NO PARTICULAR ORDER' is for the HMs benefit really, but as they don't listen it's a waste of time doing that.
But then again it can skew their perception of how they are viewed by the GBP, as they are probably off thinking that it was a close run thing between Ben and Govan, whereas the reality is that the rest might as well have not been there. So even if Ben DID get the second most number of votes it's of no consequence since there were (relatively speaking) so few votes left to go around the other three.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
I know he's made a few faux pas, but it's the background and upbringing that sticks in their (collective) gut.

If you were silly enough to watch BBBM last night (I did briefly & had to turn off) Davina did not stop slagging off Ben and his "poshness". The rotten audience seemed to equate manners and good upbringing with dimness. It was unbelieveable
Reference Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Today at 10:02:
They are such tiny minded people. They really DO dislike Ben because of his background, mainly.
It's not even that: it's his perceived background. Shabby/Keylee-Jade has quite a similar background, but she's not getting stick for it because she's been able to deflect attention away...
Eugene's Lair
Davina slagging Ben off because of his posh background? 


Like J I loved the psychobabble  stuff. I rarely watch BBBM now - only if a HM I did like was on there. The crowd get on my tits for a start - do any of them EVER watch the bloody show?

What annoys me is the fact they announce who's saved from the quiet studio then head outside where the crowd are chanting to announce the winner.
I don't like any of the new ideas on eviction night.
Announcing who is safe, only prolongs things unnecessarily.
The pauses before announcing a name doesn'tt add tension - it adds irritation.
I hate the idea of the evicted housemate leaving a good or bad day for  a housemate.
I hate the prepared few words from one or two housemates being shown to the evictee.
I don't think any of these innovations are good.

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