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cologne xxxx i have tear in my eye, so sad x
It is. I read at the time she died from people who said she should have gone for the tests earlier and she might have been saved, but I reckon we're all guilty of prevarication because we don't want to hear something bad. If that was her only 'crime', so what. At the age of 25 you don't think youre ever going to die, never mind so soon.
cologne 1
Karma_ 6,414 Forum PostsToday at 6:59 PM Last Edited: Ello Cath x I have been banging on for ages to anyone who'd listen that I think they should put all the 'baddies' from the various shows in for one series. People like Makosi, Victor, Charlie, Ahmed (and his dodgy tooth), Science, Ashaleeeeen...etc. Guaranteed viewers

Karma xx 
have to agree that would  certainly make for non stop viewing


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