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I hate the fact he stands up for somebody that is clearly in the wrong..  and has even admitted that is the case

as for the stalker thing,  increasingly I find his strokes linger just that bit longer each time and go on for just that bit too long as well  and more and more am I reminded of the late night Craig and Anthony cringey / icky feeling I got whiel wathcing them together ..

Ben is only interested in the  fact somebody is  paying  him attention.. like an invisible servant type thing..  he rarely looks at Mario in the face and uses him as a shield when he needs support..  and a Mirror Mirror on the wall when he needs telling he is the fairest fo them all. .

it is getting very Creepy  and cringey now..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
it describes how watching  both of them make me feel tbh Fairfax..

I think I have been watching too much LF. . 

I am not a fan of Mario's  constant whining at how hard he worked to get in the house so please keep me in which replaced his please don't kick me out whining when he was the Mole.. 

he's too desperate sounding   for everything   .. be it staying int eh hosue or his 'lurve' for Ben  and his morbid stuff is dodgy too. .

not feeling him at all. .bit of a weirdo 
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Now I'm jellus Mount O
Don't be

 if you watch and LUT it too,  after 2 weeks it gets completely tiresome and ALL the HM's become a right pain in the ass cos you kinda live with them all the time.. more than some of the other  HM's do, if they keep to separate rooms a lot 

and call  me Olly . .everybody else does. . 
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Hi Olly 

It is very obvious you don't like Mario.

Strangely - or perhaps not so strangely - the very reasons you dislike him are the reasons I do like him.
The slightly longer strokes, for instance are what happens as people become more familiar with each other. You want them to be briefer, while I want them to be longer. (Personally I see no comparison with Craig and Anthony.)
Another example is you see him as "too desperate" whereas I see him as the least desperate and the least idiosyncratic of all the housemates.
I find Mario alright and I don't think his relationship with Ben is creepy or cringey.
For me, it's perhaps the best thing about this series.
(I think I noticed in a LUT earlier today that you admitted a little bias.    I dare say as long as we are aware of it, we can cope.)
I think we can say is what this shows is that our opinions, tastes, instincts etc are
entirely subjective, and as such are often not going to agree with somebody else's.
We'll agree to differ about Mario eh? 
Last edited by brisket
Reference: Brisket
It is very obvious you don't like Mario.
heya Brisket

I type what I see (and add what I  feel sometimes)  at the time it is happening. . if I am getting the same deja vu 'oh no stop you are going too far' feelings that I got with Craig then I say it occasionally in the LUT and have said it here.... ..   I don't hate any of them, they all  drive me mad at one time or another..  I report what they are doing and don't miss out good or bad bits of any HM's..  if I can help it..

Reference: Brisket
The slightly longer strokes, for instance are what happens as people become more familiar with each other.

errmmm there are boundaries that don't get crossed in friendships.. Mario is starting to cross them a bit  into relationship ground and getting too clingy with it ,. . I don't believe Ben wants them to go further than they are, as much as you want them too   he just wants an aly around him and Mario is giving him that

Reference: Brisket
I think I noticed in a LUT earlier today that you admitted a little bias
No I said pull me up if it looks like I am being Biased in my reporting of the facts.. [not in my opinion]  

and yeah we'll have to  agree to differ 
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Reference:Mount Olympus
I don't believe Ben wants them to go further than they...
Well he's a big boy. If that's the case he can say so.

Hi Olly 
Of course neither of us, or any other, can truly say what is going on in the heads of Ben and Mario - not for certain. I've always had the impression their relationship was quite open and mutual.

We obviously don't see this situation in the same way.  Good thing we have a sensible forum for expressing that eh?
Reference:  Brisket
Olly. I've just had a 'vision' of you cringeing at the very same moment as I am smiling and saying "aawww".
hahahaha. . 

it's more an noooo stop now the next one will be one too many. .  cos I can see his eyes change to a slightly different look  that Ben is totally oblivious to. .

tbh I think Ben may well reject/ignore/lose interest in  him outside [for all his loyal to his friends talk. .he has so many 'friends' that  I've gathered  from his talks in  there but they sound more mate/acquaintances than real friends ] and Mario  is fragile enough as it is..  he's already talked about not wanting to go this week cos he has no one to go home to... do you see what I mean?

and Ben is just so BlazÃĐ about stuff/life in general  he may just forget about his buddy once BB is over.. which would hurt Mario a lot ..
Mount Olympus *Olly*

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