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why have they done it tho OP

OK here's what I know.  While we were all watching the highlight show, Sunshine somehow learned that Ben had nominated her in week 1.  This lead to a huge argument between her and Ben, with JJ, Dave and Govan also taking arguing with Ben.  So as a result of all the nomination chat they've lost all the food.

Now Ben is getting grief from Nathan for talking about nominations.
Is the punishment for the Pasta nomination discussion?
No,Ben told Shabby yesterday when they were doing the TOT task that he nomed Sunshine ,Sha bby then told  Keeva about the tree of temptation resulting in Keeva being put in a room and the convo of Ben and Shabby was played over and over ,tonight Shabby let it be known and it's all kicked of.
According to the BB website, nomination chat rules do not apply to nomination tasks. Therefore Shabby and Govan were within their rights to conspire.
It appears that BB (quite rightly in my opinion) have had a change of mind.

They are presumably now aware that the "pasta" conversation could indeed make a difference to who goes and who stays.
No,Ben told Shabby yesterday when they were doing the TOT task that he nomed Sunshine ,Sha bby then told  Keeva about the tree of temptation resulting in Keeva being put in a room and the convo of Ben and Shabby was played over and over ,tonight Shabby let it be known and it's all kicked of.
Damn it - Shabby will be nominated for a 3rd week running now!
Cold Sweat
No. According to the BB website, nomination chat rules do not apply to nomination tasks. Therefore Shabby and Govan were within their rights to conspire.
BB must have changed their minds. They put them on a basic budget and took the food in the storeroom away because of Govan and Shabby talking in code and because Shabby talked in code about Ben nominating Sunshine. I watched it on LF and LUTed it.
OK here's what I know. While we were all watching the highlight show, Sunshine somehow learned that Ben had nominated her in week 1. This lead to a huge argument between her and Ben, with JJ, Dave and Govan also taking arguing with Ben. So as a result of all the nomination chat they've lost all the food.
That`s wrong spider. It was taken away because of the pasta code talk and Shabby talking about Ben nominating Sunshine.

I will say this only thrice!

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