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Ben Nominates:

Govan -because he doesn't trust him and he likes causing arguments.
Shabby- because she has a bad temper and is volatile. He likens her to a vampire who sucks the blood out of her friends.

Caoimhe Nominates:

Sunshine- 'She gets on my nerves, she's like a spoilt child, she's full of herself.'
Ben- 'He's a little bit spoilt and always says the wrong thing. For a grown man to go around and stir shit is stupid.'

Corin Nominates:

Ben- 'I like Ben. He comes from a good school where you sleep over and that but he'll still like put his hand in the cereal box when he hasn't even washed it.
Mario- because she doesn't find it funny when he streaks. 'I don't want to see it! He comes over with underpants on. â€ĶI think thank god ya not bangin that near my head!'

Dave Nominates:

Govan because 'he cannot be trusted and his motives are not pure.' He tells people things just to cause trouble.
Shabby- because at times he feels she overreacts and is too volatile. He also feels that when she's around the dynamic of the group instantly changes.

Govan Nominates:

Dave- because he's always involved in the situations that create arguments
Ben- 'in the past 24hrs he's behaved in a way that warrants nomination. His behaviour was out of order.'

Ife Nominates:

Ben- Because 'he's playing games and he's trying to influence peoples opinions'.
Dave- because he said he disagreed with same sex marriage and it was in bad taste because Mario is his friend and was present at the time.

John James Nominates:

Caoimhe- he thinks that she is one of the Housemates who causes bitching. He also feels that he doesn't understand her motives and he assumes that they're bad.
Shabby- he says that its fine to dislike someone, but to tell Ben that she won't even give him the time of day from now on is going to far in his opinion.

Josie Nominates:

Dave- because of his comments about gay marriage being immoral. Josie comments that she doesn't think he's homophobic, just insensitive.
Ben- because she doesn't agree with what he did last night and thinks that 'his actions were underhand and sneaky'.

Mario Nominates:

Govan- because he thinks he deliberately set off the row last night between Ben and Shabby because he knew that Shabby would react in the way that she did.
Shabby- Because he asked her if she and Ben could start again and she said no. With such strong opinions she's bound to influence the opinions of her close friends like Caoimhe and Ife.

Nathan Nominates:

Sunshine- 'she just really gets on my wick.' He doesn't like that she demands her own food option and always complains at what he gives her.
Ben- because he's always whispering to people and conspiring but then in the next minutes pretends 'to be a posh happy chappie.'

Shabby Nominates:

Ben- 'a manipulative snake in the grass.' Adding 'Ben people don't not like you because you're posh, they don't like you because you're horrible.'
Dave- because she feels he's preaching in the house and doesn't like that he thinks gay marriage should be illegal.

Steve Nominates:

Govan- because he jumps from one group to another and stirs up trouble'.
Ben- because he's rubbing all the housemates up the wrong way, 'never fights his own battles but has to have cronies to back him up'.

Sunshine Nominates:

Caoimhe- because they don't know each other yet.
Nathan- because she feels that she can't make any food without having to ask for his permission.

Ben received 8 nominations. Dave, Govan and Shabby received 4 nominations. John James received no nominations.

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OMG I'm so surprised at the amount of noms Ben receieved and that Corin nominated both Ben and Mario

I'm not surprised Fairfax, Ben just goes on and on, even Steve nominated him. In many ways Ben is dragging the house down as much as Shabby, but for different reasons. 

I did laugh at Corins remark about why she nominated Mario though  

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