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Well not always, but a lot of the time on highlights, and when I'm watching Live Feed, she seems to be hiding under her quilt.  I don't really understand why she's always in bed.  Perhaps she is feeling tired and weak from a lack of a decent diet?

I quite like Sunshine and her quirky ways when she does finally interact with the other housemates, but for me it is over shadowed by long periods of absence or apparent hiding.

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Sunshine Irritates me slightly(I do kinda like her, she seems good natured) she belabours a point for far too long, after a while I just get bored or forget what she was supposed to be offended about in the first place.

The plus side of her is that if she percieves that someone is trying to take the pee, she will challenge them, she nips it in the bud straight away.
Senora Reyes
She isn't always in bed..  She was funny in the pillow fight the other night.  She plays with others like JJ and Mario.  I've no doubt others like Govan are in bed far more (mainly because his group keep up so late).  Josie seems to be in bed ALOT.  I've seen other HMS in bed during the day including Ben for example.  It's hardly unusual in Big Brother, there aren't that many rooms there.

So this thread title really is quite deceiving, I suspect intentionally so.
Free Thinking
Sunshine Irritates me slightly(I do kinda like her, she seems good natured) she belabours a point for far too long, after a while I just get bored or forget what she was supposed to be offended about in the first place. The plus side of her is that if she percieves that someone is trying to take the pee, she will challenge them, she nips it in the bud straight away.
I agree with all of this. I do like Sunshine, sometime she gets on me norks for the reasons you've stated but I don't think she's a bad person. I think she's basically a good lass but can be like a dog with a bone when she has a bee in her bonnet (if that's not too many metaphors for 1 sentence)
Sunshine said herself, onbeing up for eviction, that she would be the best she could be. Now she is safe for another week, she is out of bed. Intelligence and being devious are two different things. i cant really be bothered with her, with her "oh i got to uni against all odds" attitude. If i felt it was genuine, well good for her, but i dont feel it. She is too camera wary for my liking
Well exactly why she is in bed at a particular moment depends on the particular moment on a particular day.  When Ben was following her around trying to 'make up' in his words but for Sunshine he was just trying to score points, I think she just wanted to rest for a bit to get away, and it's not like she was alone...Govan was there and she could and did have a long chat with him.  Just because you are in the bedroom doesn't mean you are alone, HMs are often in the bedroom.

I've got to say that any idea that Sunshine doesn't interact with others is total nonsense.  She makes an effort with everyone from what I see.  If you want non-communicative people look at someone like Ife.  I would say Sunshine is one of the most communicative people in there, up there with Corin, Dave, Govan.  But then if they show that in the HLs you can be sure some will say she is too active or something lol.
Free Thinking
All HMs are very aware of the cameras (how can't they be), Corin for example.  But people are very selective in who they want to accuse of not being entertaining but being false.  It's all nonsense really, they are all just trying to entertain themselves.  It's a really cheap attack to say someone is false like that, do you want people doing nothing all day?
Free Thinking
I'm LOLing even more, you people are hilarious. It's like you live in some kind of make believe world. Corin dances in the bedroom you say 'great entertainment', Sunshine does and you say 'attention seeking'. You people need to look at yourself and see how hilarious you really are.
I've never said any of those things about Sunshine, I like her!

I also haven't seen Corin dancing in the bedroom. Is there another me posting on here?
Free Thinking.  Obviously you are a fan of Sunshine.
But some others are not.
It's not worth anybody's blood pressure being affected.
A light-entertainment show need not be the cause of unpleasant clashes on a forum.
People have different opnions - hence a forum.
I don't "see" Sunshine as you do.  But it really is not worth upsetting myself about it.
We just differ that's all!
I'll make a "why is Ife always in the bath?" thread later.  I want to get to the bottom of Sunshine's lethargy first!!
It's all down to a very piss poor diet IMO. She claims to be vegan - I think she probably has major issues with food. It really isn't normal to live on crisp sandwiches. I thought these people were physcologically assessed before they went into the house.
Soozy Woo
She isn't always in bed.. She was funny in the pillow fight the other night. She plays with others like JJ and Mario. I've no doubt others like Govan are in bed far more (mainly because his group keep up so late). Josie seems to be in bed ALOT. I've seen other HMS in bed during the day including Ben for example. It's hardly unusual in Big Brother, there aren't that many rooms there.
God it sounds like a Childrens Nursery
Reference: Free Thinking
Corin dances in the bedroom you say 'great entertainment', Sunshine does and you say 'attention seeking'. You people need to look at yourself and see how hilarious you really are.
I like the way your 'free thinking' only extends to anyone who thinks the same as you.

Corin is popular with everyone in the house and Sunshine got about ten nominations.
There may be a reason for that.

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