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What a complete "BUZZ KILL"

I hate her "Contrived" feelings for Keever. I don't believe for one second she's as madly into to Keever as she makes out, I think Shabby is feeling as randy as everyone else must be feeling stuck in the house, missing thier significant other, and no place for a natural realease.

Shock, horror, could Shabby be adding the drama of her randiness in an attempt to make herself more interesting to viewers? surely she couldn't be thinking "Showmance & Mag deals?

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All that carry on was tooooo far fetched, you cannot be in love with someone after a few days.  I know she didn't actually say she was, but crying and all that "Lesbians have feelings too" well Shabby, I don't think anyone thought fact I'm sure we're all well aware that any human can have feelings.  But you haven't had your heart broken, not now, so give it a rest.
I am not talking in terms of someone entertaining me and making me laugh, I am talking about Shabby and her ham fisted contrived feelings for Keever, that's not entertainment, we've seen it before...Luke & Bex, etc,...I'd love some of the other HM's to get more air time, then I would be at better odds to answer your question...But since the "Shabby show" is currently being inflicted upon us, the chance would be a fine thing.
Senora Reyes

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