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Why does she looks like such a grubby ol' minter then?
I'm genuinely confused as to why people think she does (and I don't even like her! ) She brushes her teeth about 20 flippin' times a day and her, Ife and Ciaomhe spend all night every night in the bath.

I don't know if it's her clothes or what but her skin looks clean to me, I'm alone on this one, I know...but I honestly can't see how she looks dirty.  She's not greasy or anything, she has nice skin
I don't know if it's her clothes or what but her skin looks clean to me, I'm alone on this one, I know...but I honestly can't see how she looks dirty. She's not greasy or anything, she has nice skin
She doesn't look clean to me. Her hair looks filthy and she never takes her eyeliner off. In fact, she reapplies it before bed. She might spend a lot of time soaking in the bath, but I've never seen her wash while she's in it.
It's the eyeliner...and the hat....and getting in bed with clothes on....and the eyeliner...I dunno she just looks a bit soapy..
I agree... she just looks grubby I'm not sure why exactly Lecs, but the eyeliner isn't helping, if she's not taking her makeup off then she can't be washing her face properly and if she's not bothering with that is she bothering with owt else I also don't like how she was traipsing about bare foot yesterday (I dunno if she does it often), back in and out of the house... her feet must have been hacky
Very Apt. I drove myself crazy in BB1 with SWEET CAROLINE for the saxo girl

 I remember it was when that tina said " men like me coz im deerrrtieee" i looked like this ....> then BANG! the vision of her dancing like christina in the boxing ring to dirty was lodged forever and would play on a loop whenever i saw her
was horrible it was.
I am licking pictures of Robert Smith to redress the balance for you Lecs

Lucky you! All I can see when I think of him is him massaging fake tan into his ass *TRAUMA*
Oooh nooo   Ewwwwwwwwww and when he was groping and kissing that Vanessa lass in the shower room.  Ooooh and he said to her in bed "Tell me you're 16" while he was having a shuffle. BAD, HORRIBLE ORANGE MAN!

Oh he was a wrong 'un'

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