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I think Ben is a very "young" 30 year old.Maybe (guessing) a bit pampered, protected by money etc.No real need to graft hard etc.Doesn't make him a bad person,just different to the usual BB candidates.I suspect that's why he was chosen.He's been on TV before Rafe  from "The Apprentice" had him as a waiter  on "Come dine with me" He was also featured in "Ladettes to ladies".So maybe his gormless act is  just that...hmmm. Strokes two  fanny hairs on the chin,that channel4 forum banned me from mentioning..
I'm in a complete minority as nearly everyon on here loves Ben...I don't.
Don't worry SR... I don't love him either. I've always had this niggling doubt about him from the start, and it's nothing to do with him being 'posh' or anything. It's his ambiguous friendship with Mario who clearly adores him but who he loves the attention of but tries to brush off. He also seems to get too involved in things he shouldn't and I think he likes to be more in the bitching mix than his group allows. I do, however, love how he is able to draw people out to talk about things though. It is a refreshing change that there is someone who likes to do this on BB. 
Senora Reyes online 8,907 Forum Posts Today at 4:42 PM Last Edited: I don't see much difference in Ben and Govan..I'm in a complete minority as nearly everyon on here loves Ben...I don't.
I see less and less difference either.  Indeed Ben may well be more conceited.  He tries to shut Sunshine up but she will not give up her own opinions.  I don't think she wants to be a meek follower to him.
Free Thinking
Reference Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ Today at 00:48:
 I think Shabby's attack on him 2 days ago has completely messed Ben up. He's changed, and continuing to change. If Shabby stays tomorrow I think Ben will probably end up walking.
I may be way off the mark here, but I was under the impression that Ben has not watched the show much (if at all) in the past. I think I read somewhere that he was asked to audition (as were quite a few of the HMs this year.)
He certainly strikes me as very naive about how the house mechanics work, and I don't think he was properly prepared for the experience. This might explain why he's put his foot in it with Sunshine, Shabby, etc.

I can't see him walking just because Shabby stays, but I think he may consider it if/when some of his friends go. E.g. he may feel guilty if Sunshine goes today...
Eugene's Lair
I am pleased that Ben has it spot on with Govan and his activities. Well observed. Govan was nominated last week by Dave and Sunshine. If Ben now joins that number he may be up for eviction. That would please me.
Quite right brisket. Whatever our differences may be about Ben, Govan needs to be shown to be the insidious creep he is. His disloyalty to Shabby has already been noted by her, so he is toast if she stays! 
I am pleased that Ben has it spot on with Govan and his activities. Well observed. Govan was nominated last week by Dave and Sunshine. If Ben now joins that number he may be up for eviction. That would please me.  

Quite right brisket. Whatever our differences may be about Ben, Govan needs to be shown to be the insidious creep he is. His disloyalty to Shabby has already been noted by her, so he is toast if she stays!

I agree with both posts.... but I do think Ben has to be a bit careful ... he does seem to be going OTT with the *we're friends* bit....... and is in danger of coming across as duplicitous as the other group
On BBBM tonight Davina said that no one in the house is aware that Govan is a big bitcher.
She was wrong.
Ben knows. And Steve, Mariom and I think JJ heard them discussing Govan, so he may choose to believe them be wary of Govan (although Jj and Govan do play together a lot.)
But Davina was wrong. Some people do know he bitches.

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