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I think JJ is in immediate danger of becoming perceived as bullying Rachael.

The thing that suprises me about Rachael, is that she doesn't seem to have the strong personality I assumed she would have.  That is to say she takes things said to her to heart, and rather than fighting back she allows it to affect her.  This makes me think she is far more fragile then my first impressions suggested.

With this in mind, a loud mouthed guy apparently shouting and swearing angrily at her day after day, with Rachael offering no substancial come back or counter-attack will inevitably lead to her assuming victim status - and rightly so.

JJ needs to reign it in before this gets completely out of hand.

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Racheal gives no come back because she`s stupidly playing the poor me card. She should get a back bone and stand up to him. We all know she`s got one. She wasn`t backwards at coming forwards when she was gunning for Sunshine. Where did that fiesty bitchy girl go? 
I think she fancies him rotten and wants to appear as the vulnerable type to suit what she thinks he wants. More fool her. Plus.. it`s eviction time. 
We now have the baby voice and the pretend tears at every turn. The only time I`ve seen real tears from her was when Dave put her up for eviction.  
I want Shabby to go but her falseness is getting right up my nose!
Racheal gives no come back because she`s stupidly playing the poor me card. She should get a back bone and stand up to him. We all know she`s got one. She wasn`t backwards at coming forwards when she was gunning for Sunshine. Where did that fiesty bitchy girl go? I think she fancies him rotten and wants to appear as the vulnerable type to suit what she thinks he wants. More fool her. Plus.. it`s eviction time. We now have the baby voice and the pretend tears at every turn. The only time I`ve seen real tears from her was when Dave put her up for eviction. I want Shabby to go but her falseness is getting right up my nose!
Well said Scotty....
well said Scotty

I think all the wailing and stuff is that she thought she would have them eating out of her hand and shes gutted they aren't she was flabbergasted Dave nominated and made herself look as stupid as Shabby by crying about it like someone said he had to pick someone why not her?

and that stupid comment on last nights h/l show about gutted not to be fancied as she wasn't used to it how cringey

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