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we all have our faults prometheus Believe it or not I hope he wins. He seems quite vulnerable and both Sunshine and Shabby have made him feel very uncomfortable. He looked visibly upset during his conversation with Shabby. Nothing to dislike about him at all imo which is more than can be said for the rest of them.
What do you dislike about Josie? Mario? Steve? Corin? None of them are nasty - yes I grant you most of the other are annoying but what the heck have those 4 done to annoy you?
What do you dislike about Josie? Mario? Steve? Corin? None of them are nasty - yes I grant you most of the other are annoying but what the heck have those 4 done to annoy you?
Josie? She's a bit thick. Mario? He wants to shag all the men (even the straight ones). Steve snores and has a touch of Mario Marconi about him (ay oop everyone listen to me) and Corin has the intelligence and grace of a squashed banana though admittedly she's quite funny for all the wrong reasons.
What do you dislike about Josie? Mario? Steve? Corin? None of them are nasty - yes I grant you most of the other are annoying but what the heck have those 4 done to annoy you? Josie? She's a bit thick. Mario? He wants to shag all the men (even the straight ones). Steve snores and has a touch of Mario Marconi about him (ay oop everyone listen to me) and Corin has the intelligence and grace of a squashed banana though admittedly she's quite funny for all the wrong reasons.

LOL You call Josie thick?? I find Ben to be a complete dullard. So Steve snores ( well okay you have me there). 

Nope - not valid reasons - try harder.
LOL You call Josie thick?? I find Ben to be a complete dullard. So Steve snores ( well okay you have me there). Nope - not valid reasons - try harder.
Josie is going way out of her way to be wacky. Ben is just being himself, silly hairdo, posh voice, that's Ben. Josie is not being Josie she's being BB Josie. That in my very humble opinion is about as thick as you can get.
LOL You call Josie thick?? I find Ben to be a complete dullard. So Steve snores ( well okay you have me there). Nope - not valid reasons - try harder.

Josie is going way out of her way to be wacky. Ben is just being himself, silly hairdo, posh voice, that's Ben. Josie is not being Josie she's being BB Josie. That in my very humble opinion is about as thick as you can get.
That makes no sense - Josie is just being herself -more herself now than she was when she first went in
And what on earth is BB Josie? I suppose we will just have to agree to disagree . Ben does seriously annoy me - perhaps that is my fault, His voice just grates,

I find Josie's crude conversations about smelly female private parts and so on incredibly dull and boring.  I understand she's just trying to have fun, harmless, but from a viewer's perspective it doesn't entertain me at all.

I like the way Ben chats to people though.  You can tell he has had journalistic experience in the past.  His chat with Steve about Steve's injury was fascinating, so too was the chat he had with Caoimhe last night about Ireland and Religion.

In the immortal words of Jade Goody - he is 'A Beggar Friend'. Why on earth would you follow someone from the garden to the lounge to the kitchen and into the bathroom to try and explain yourself? In the first place - why is it necessary to explain yourself? And in the second place - when someone is rude enough to keep walking away mid conversation - why the hell persue it? I don't see all this 'pece keeping' - 'soul searching' as an admirable trait.
Soozy Woo
when someone is rude enough to keep walking away mid conversation - why the hell persue it?

i would imagine that he is not wanting to live in a bad atmosphere for as long as the two of them remain in the confines of the house and is trying his best to clear the air

not sure i would have bothered myself, shabby seems like a spoilt attention seeking brat to me - a bit of a posher/more intelligent version of nicky
He's posh, very plummy, he has daft hair (like super omg mental wtf happened there hair) he loves a crafty whinge, his legs are like butcher's apron strings, yes he very probably is Tory, public school dontchaknow...all that jazz....and the person in there who is LEAST like anyone I would ever have anything to do with...

BUT...right now...I like him

I am either barnett or brows to win right now
I'm not so sure about Ben either, after seeing him talk to Rachel last night, then sneer about her with JJ behind her back.

Are you referring to Ben, JJ, Dave in the nest talking about Rachael?  I was LUTing all through that.  JJ was going bezurk, venting at Ben really, then Dave came in talking to JJ about why he chose to nominate Rachael.  Ben was stuck in the middle, silent throughout, looking very uncomfortable as 2 people, either side of him bitch about his friend.  While Ben didn't defend Rachael he certainly didn't sneer or verbally contribute what so ever.  All he seemed to do was gently try to steer the conversation to Shabby's hatred of him, but without much success.
Believe it or not I hope he wins. He seems quite vulnerable and both Sunshine and Shabby have made him feel very uncomfortable. He looked visibly upset during his conversation with Shabby. Nothing to dislike about him at all imo which is more than can be said for the rest of them.

LOL.  Ben has made Sunshine uncomfortable more like!!  He bitched about her to Govan, nominated her and even today he was saying she talks about herself alot.  Ben talks about himself all the time, he needs to start looking at his own faults before he tries to continually criticise one of his allies in the house.  Ben thinks way too much of himself in there, Sunshine is much more self depreciating and in general considerate.  She has to tell Ben to look at Steve not just for his disability but as a person. 

But then of course we all know the shallow bitching about Sunshine because some don't like her name or because they want to criticise how she looks, if she was a man I think it might be different.  If she was a girl who hung around girls instead of men more I think it might be different too.  But she gravitates to those who are more individual and who have better conversation which I like.
Free Thinking

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