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what really pisses me off about situations like this is Racheal just perpetuates the myth that women are vunreable and weak, if he REALLY is upsetting her that much why doesnt she grow a pair and tell him, she really is pathetic.

She probably expexted to walk into the house and all the male HMS would be baying for her attention (just like noireen), now Daves nominated her and JJ has had a go at her she cant handle it, as she said un the DR noone fancies her, well diddums for her
Over the past three night JJ has belaboured the point to anyone who will listen, whilst scowling and throwing daggers at Rachel, how much he hates Rachel, when Rachel told him in tonight's HL show that she knew he didn't like her, JJ being the PUSSY he is couldn't admit none of his hatred to Rachel's face...So much for "Telling it like it is"
Exactly, he only 'told it like it was' cos she caught him out bitching about her Thoroughly unpleasant that one
what really pisses me off about situations like this is Racheal just perpetuates the myth that women are vunreable and weak, if he REALLY is upsetting her that much why doesnt she grow a pair and tell him, she really is pathetic.
I wouldn't do that, in RL or in the house... I hate confrontation, so I would just try to avoid the person as best I can and be civil, that would upset me FAR less than confronting someone... Everyone deals with situations differently, I don;t think it necessarily makes them weak or pathetic

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