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I hope she does go....I'm very disappointed that they didn't emphasise the HOURS of banging on Shabby did about Bens acting comment...she's horrible with a very high opinion of herself....she can take the Vicky Pollard sounding one with her...Gollum...

Shabby has mentioned on numerous occassions that it's a game and she's going to play it, then accuses others of game playing???!!!!??? The answers in your 1st statement love!!!!

She has also mentioned how you can form a negative opinion of someone you hardly know...hmm, isn't that what she's done with Ben??? Pot, kettle, black springs to mind....boot out the boot!!!!!!!

I have never felt such dislike for 2 HMs so early on, there's also been a couple of surprises.

I don't mind Rachel but have a feeling she'll get on my norks as the weeks go on

Corin is the biggest surprise, I expected to dislike her, and I really like her so far..
The Devil In Diamante
I am completely shocked at how a HL show can edited out a whole day of tantrums that affeced everybody in the house and was the only topic all day, from when Shaby first found out she was up and her blaming Ben for that to the Actress comment made much later in the day..

it was the topic non stop all say long and her clique declared war on the others.. yet you'd never know it even happened from the HL show [nor the dfact that Sunshne accepted her nomination gracefully] you'd just think she suddenly got the hump in a 'friendly' chat with Ben when in fact they were sitting down to talk about her tantrum prior to that and telling everyone that would listen that it was all Bens fault she was up..

I know the HL show edits a lot out but a whole day's story was gone as fit never even happened!!!  It is two different BB's for anybody without access to LF or LF discussions...

thank gawd for Live Feed is all I can say. .at least we know what really went on..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Reference iD
Shabby has mentioned on numerous occassions that it's a game and she's going to play it, then accuses others of game playing
Happens every year DiDs...the more someone calls out game playing from other HMs the more of a game player that person is. If you behave so shabby then you expect shabbyness from others..and that's what is happening to Shabby 
Reference: Olly
I am completely shocked at how a HL show can edited out a whole day of tantrums that affeced everybody in the house and was the only topic all day, from when Shaby first found out she was up and her blaming Ben for that to the Actress comment made much later in the day..
Same here glad LF is back as I can make a judgement based on what REALLY happened rather than what they decide to show or not to show....
The Devil In Diamante
I agree with Croc.....she's on my last nerve now.

Re C4.....they edit to suit themselves and always have done. What worries me is that a lot of the voters won't have seen LF and will know nothing but what they have seen, although based on that over the week, Scabby does come across as thoroughly dislikeable here's hoping that she goes. I have noticed elsewhere however, that there is a large anti Rachel brigade wanting to take this chance to get rid of her, as they may not get another one for a few weeks....Interesting eviction tomorrow I think.
Can some one please clarify the groups?  I heard Shabby break them down to Big Brother in the diary room last night, but didn't quite catch them.
Think it went as follows, Ben, Dave, Steve, Sunshine in the splinter group, with JJ & Mario in the middle then the rest are in Shabby's group....... delusional caaaw

Can't remember exactly, but I'm sure it's close enough to get an idea
Reference: Barns
no worries on C4 not showing enough of shabby's behaviour kaytee i havent got live feed and she has done my head in totally just watching the HL show - even though it sounds like they have only shown a bit of her childish behaviour - i think it is enough for her to get the big heave-ho on Friday - hope so
I've got my fingers and legs crossed Barns...cannot stand her

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