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Was Ben being a tad spiteful with his verucca remarks to Sunshine.I actually felt sorry for her when she explained to him that she was isolated already and he wasn't helping with his 'funny joke' at her expense.

I  also saw a bit of a sneaky side to him last night with oniongate. I like Ben but it was interesting to see the not so nice side of him too. Perhaps I'm just being as mental as the hm's - being over critical and judgemental.

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I  also saw a bit of a sneaky side to him last night with oniongate. I like Ben but it was interesting to see the not so nice side of him too. Perhaps I'm just being as mental as the hm's - being over critical and judgemental.

I noticed that too Fairfax, he knew the onions were not to be eaten, yet he and Dave went ahead and helped themselves.Then denied all knowledge, and continued to make a fuss about being accused on live feed.
I quite like Ben too, everyone can't be perfect, but it did make me wonder if the goody, goody act is maybe just that.
IMO Sunshine has a very obsessive type personality - notice how she dwells on things for ages and notice how she will jump on, what she interprets as, a slight.  I think Ben is doing well in how he`s dealing with her and being very kind in the circumstances.  If it was me I certainly wouldn`t be that patient.  He`s a dear.  Its gonna be interesting thats for sure.
Jeggo (Ben`s Buddy/Member of JJ`s LS]
I agree Jeggo.

(I still don't understand why onions were on the table if they were being saved for something else - I'd have had some too.)
Also when Shabby, Ife and Caoimhe renewed their dislike of Ben last night I thought he might be in for a tough time. Sur enough a simple light-hearted innocent remark has been pounced on Caoimhe.
"Why did you say that?" she asks stern-faced. "A joke" says Ben - which it clearly was.

And Ben has just told Sunshine about another similar innocent.

The constant negativity towards Ben from these 3 seems very unfair to me.
The poor chap won't be able to breathe to their satisfaction next.
Pity also because as far as I know he still regards Caoimhe as a goodish friend. Little does he know.
I like Ben very much
Reference: brisket
(I still don't understand why onions were on the table if they were being saved for something else - I'd have had some too.)
They weren't actually on the table, but in a bowl on the hob, well away from the food they were serving. Ben did mumble to Mario, as they were taking them, that they weren't meant to be having them, so he definitely knew!
I just love Ben's style as he performs in the live quiz on now. Love it.

I just wanted to say that when Shabby, Caoimhe and Ife were bitching about Ben and re-uniting against him, one of the things they did was to impersonate his voice and the way he speaks.I say "impersonate", but it was actually sneering and mockery. Very unpleasant and unkind and with apparently a "class" dislike thrown in to the mix.
but it was actually sneering and mockery. Very unpleasant and unkind and with apparently a "class" dislike thrown in to the mix.

Brisket that's about their level, mocking Bens accent. They obviously feel inferior to resort to this,petty bitchy nit picking.  He hasn't done anything that would warrant an attack so they fall back on the school yard sneering. Don't like these three at all.
I think that Ben has had the patience of a saint with that lot....I would have been slapping quite a few of them with gay abandon by now. That he hasn't really got into the biatching shows either a kind of naivety or a good upbringing where he was taught his manners properly...unlike some in there
I agree Kaytee... and as for Sunshine, the way she carries on I sometimes wonder if she has had a humour by-pass!

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