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What it must be like in the house. We expect the HM's to behave in certain ways as we would do in certain situations but how we deal with things in the outside world and real life isn't how they can or are dealt with in the Big Brother house. None of us have been in there. None of us have even the slightest idea of how oppressive and difficult it is in there.

Small arguments escalate to massive fights because there is no where to hide or run to.

All HM's know what they are getting themselves into when they sign up for BB but in reality once in the house the real reality and enormity hits them.

We knock HM's for their way of handling situations and say she/he should have dealt with it like this or that...

I'm not very good at putting things in writing but my point really is that we should try to understand more how difficult it is for all of them and not criticise them for crying at the drop of a hat or shouting about bread or milk etc...

I'd hate to be in Big Brother as I'm just too emotional to cope with the pressure but I'd love to know what it's like in there just for a while and can leave when I decide to leave.

Having said all of that, they decided to enter BB so they should deal with it but none of them know who they'll be sharing a house with and if there is just one person who irritates you it can make all the difference...

JJ's outburst last night was OTT and Rachel's response to it was typical to that type of person. She thinks everyone 'should' find her drop dead gorgeous and fancy her and she wasn't prepared for that kind of treatment and knock back. In the outside world she's have had to walk away as would JJ but in the house it's not possible.

Sorry for length of ramble

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You're right, none of us know what it is like to be in the BB house.  I would hate to be watched 24/7 - I hate it when my cats stare at me for no reason (other than they know it winds me up!).  To be in that goldfish bowl would drive me mad.

Having said that, I think we are all drawn to the housemates that can handle themselves well in that kind of situation.  Shouting and confrontation ala JJ's style is never endearing, nor is Rachael's reaction.  It's obvious that JJ has a problem with Rachael and it's just as obvious that Rachael has never dealt with anyone who doesn't fall at her feet in adoration.
, but the mere fact that some of them would sell their grannies for glue to get in there suggests that they are consenting to a little scrutiny
Good post LB.... and personally I would not last a day in the house..... but I have to say I agree with Suzy, they got what they wanted ........and I have no sympathy for them
As for why they go on...well some of them at least are fans of the show.

and yet most of them seem to forget most of the rules, and that the camera are rolling constantly,

One thing I would say about any  H/M no matter how bad they are, they are a lot braver than me, I could never go on there,   So I guess they do deserve some credit,

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