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Reference: RZB
I've never ever seen one, I don't think it's something that we do in England
There are quite a few about if reports are to be believed. Some Rymans league team has banned people watching the World Cup in it's clubhouse from bringing them in and I've heard of pubs telling people to put them behind the bar during games!
Reference Veggieburger Today at 10:52:
 League clubs are banning the things now.

Leaving aside the sound problem, I suspect that the clubs will ban them as "potential weapons". Club rules on that sort of thing can seem ridiculously strict at times: I once saw a little girl stopped from taking a flag (only about a foot long - not a big one) into a ground because it had a short wooden stick for waving.

There's an elderly lady who's a long-standing fan of Portsmouth (you may have seen her featured in the coverage of this year's Cup Final) who for a very long time used to take a traditional wooden football rattle to games. These are fearsome looking things, but I think that, given her age and supporting record, they were able to give her a dispensation...
Eugene's Lair
Lol Eugene, If anyone blows one near me I may well demonstrate it's potential as a weapon - or possibly a medical instrument
Re the Portsmouth lady; Stewards do seem to exercise some common sense especially if they know you. I was allowed to take a bottle of wine into an Arsenal Reserves game at Barnet as a birthday pressie for Pat Rice last season.
If they know you and how you will behave then they give you leeway I've found

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