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John James is horrible! I thought he seemed ok, but what a huge Douche bag he's turned out to be. He has judged Rachel without even getting to know her, and he seems to resent her simply because of the way she looks. As much as he says he hates her, personally I think he fanices Rachel rotten, I don't buy it for a second that he is interested in Josie.(Josie fancies the arse off him).
So glad she walked in on him bitching, also glad she seems to have sussed Govan-who IMO is simply vile!
Senora Reyes
In my view, JJ AND Rachael share the same level of narcissism.
However, Rachael has shown no 'need' to 'control' anyone's behaviour towards her, nor is she actually aware of her condescension.

JJ on the other hand, 'needs' constant reassurance and finds it difficult to see how Rachael dares to have the temerity to 'look' at him a certain way FFS...he recognizes her apparent arrogant behaviour, because it mirrors his own behaviour - it clearly disturbs him to be on the receiving end of what he knowingly dishes out. But it's safer to deflect away from his own peronality flaws (or short cUmmings ) by sending Rachael on a guilt trip to self-loathing. This petty; overly clinical, sensitive, controlling oddball is without a doubt a todger of the tiniest order.
There's something a bit disturbing about his dislike of Rachael. Yes, she's a bit vain and up herself, but so what? It's not a hangable offence.

JJ seems to think any attractive woman with high self-esteem deserves to be brought down a peg or two. Sounds like one of those nightmare boyfriends who bolster their own inadequacies with undermining, controlling behaviour. The type who doesn't want his GF to have friends, go out, dress attractively, have a career, answer back, etc..

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