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Reference Miss Today at 20:19:
 Thanks Eugene - if that's true, what was the point of the whole thing
Good question. Basically, BB wanted Mario to be saved, so they worded the instructions to the HMs so as to help him: they told the HMs that if they guessed the mole correctly, he or she would be evicted, and if they failed no one would be evicted. Of course the HMs saw a win-win scenario and fixed it by deliberately choosing wrongly. They all really knew it was Mario.

So much for the "impossible" task...
Eugene's Lair
BB will have seen the feedback that the public wanted Mario to stay so acted accordingly and fixed it so he did. Had the mole been someone the public disliked, they's have fixed it so that they would have been evicted.....everybody's boats are rocked too early....and no one will be complaining to Ofcom(if it still exists)
Sunshine's upset realising if she'd been the mole she'd be evicted as most chose her, sign of noms to come maybe

Not sure she would have though YR if I am understanding it correctly. It would only have been Mario that was evicted and only if he got the most votes.
What's really upsetting her is that some told her they thought she was the mole, so they wrote her name knowing she'd be evicted if they were right. I feel sorry for her really because what's she's feeling is the only logical thing for her to believe. Some are now trying to backtrack because they feel guilty naming her
Yellow Rose
Reference: Miss S
And YR, I see what you mean now - she thought she would be evicted - no wonder she's upset
not quite lol, it's confusing  she knew she wouldn't be evicted because she wasn't the Mole. It's just that they'd all been told before they wrote names down that if 8 HM's guessed correctly that person would be evicted immediately, most of them named her, and a lot of them told her afterwards they thought she was the Mole. That's made her realise those people wanted her evicted - is this making sense lol
Yellow Rose
Reference Mary Seacole Today at 21:39:
 I didn't see any of cbb and its tree,so now that Mario has let it out about the chest of drawers does that mean they can not use that again,
I'm not certain, but I think Mario only told them that he was instructed by the TOT. I don't think he told them that the TOT is now the drawers. Mind you, it's not difficult to guess: they've already sussed there's something odd about the drawers, as they're permanently locked...
Eugene's Lair

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