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A man is being questioned after the body of a teenager he is believed to have met on the internet was discovered in a field in County Durham.

The 17-year-old's body was found following the arrest of a 32-year-old man for traffic offences on the A177 near Sedgefield on Monday night.

Durham Police said the Darlington girl told family she was staying with a friend on Sunday night.

The arrested man is being questioned on suspicion of murder.

Police said he had given them several different names and had yet to be identified.

My message in terms of meeting people from the internet is 'please do not do it unless you are absolutely certain it is safe'
Det Ch Insp Paul Harker

The teenager, who has not yet been identified, had told her family she would be home by lunchtime on Monday.

When she failed to return, her mother repeatedly rang her mobile phone, but could not get a reply.

Her body was found fully clothed near the Little Chef roundabout off the A689 and A177. It is believed it could have been there for up to 24 hours.

The problem is these monsters pretend to be people who they are not. Having recently watched the ITV documentary 'To Catch a Paedophile' I consider everyone who talks to children online to be a risk and unfortunately I'm jaded and will not change my mind. The dirty Mac brigade are long gone, these creatures who groom children are no longer recognizable, they could be your friends.

Yep.I know adults who should know better,have agreed to meet strangers in hotels...and even booked a room to share......and that's after 'chatting' for a week or so They are way more trusting than me.
I've no problems about meeting people,but I'd do it in a busy public place and let someone else know where I was and get them to give me a call to check everythings OK
Somone closely related to my family invited a man she had met on the internet to stay at her house for a week, along with her, and her then 7yr old son. Luckily nothing happened maybe because my mother went round there ranting about how paedo's target stupid desperate women with children.
This feckless loser ponced off of her for several months, until he got a better offer, then went "home" on a visit and never returned.
Why on earth would anyone take such a risk.
As for this poor girl, found dead, it's too late for her, but it has to be a salient reminder for all parents to be vigilent.
I've done the internet dating thing... as i have posted in a different thread, I met my hubby on the internet.  BUT... there were some common sense golden rules.... chat to them.. for months, not days or weeks, online.   Trust your gut instinct... if something seems 'off' about them, then there usually is.

If and when you meet them.... put layers and layers of security measures in place... check them out.. their workplace... make sure someone is expecting a call from you at a certain time, and if you don't call.. sort out what steps that person should then take.   Have 'key' words ... that if said on the phone the other person knows something is wrong.   Make sure that other person has all the information you have on the person you are meeting.
you know, i met a few peeps and took it very seriously and carefully...and only after talking to them for ages.

but when i met my OH i just invited him to my house....although i had my babysitter with me (for my son who was in bed). then we went out with my mates. i did speak to my OH for about 2months mates....mostly. though for a few weeks before we met he was spending over ÂĢ300 a week talking to me on the phone . he never tried to be something he wasn't. never tried to flirt (until i started)...some blokes declare their undyling love before you've ever met

he moved in 2 months later
The biggest issue for me, when talking to men on the net was the 'having kids' thing.  Was really difficult, cos didn't want to deceive them.. its not something that should be taken lightly, going out with a woman with kids... but I didn't want to advertise the fact I had kids for fear of someone going out with me to get to my kids.

This was the thing that used to stress me out the most.
Dirtyprettygirlthing offline 8700 Forum Posts Today at 10:48 (Edited: ) *whispers* yeah... when I agreed to meet hubby I broke all of my rules and just invited him to my house.... we had known each other the best part of two years though... and I had done my 'background' checks on him. I wouldn't advise that though... it was naughty!
i did get his mugshot before he visited though, and gave it to my brother just incase
he asked me when i started taking a fancy to hobbits
WHY do some men think sending pictures of their knobs to a woman will make them think 'oh yes please'?? It's not like it's an articial part of their anatomy that can be left behind as a keepsake.We still have to put up with the rest of em FFS, and I don't know ANY woman who has ever said 'he's a right munter and does frig all but I love him cos he's got a big willy and I've got his willy as my screensaver cos that's all that matters'

Oh I'm in a ranty mood
Dirtyprettygirlthing offline 8702 Forum Posts Today at 11:08 (Edited: ) Reference: taking a fancy to hobbits hahahaha! My other half calls my daughers bessie mates bf a hobbit!

when i first met him he did look like pippin...though a foot and a half taller lol..with a couple of piercings. Pippin goes rogue!! i think it was the fluffy highlights though

went grey soon after he moved in
Reference: Hoob
though went grey soon after he moved in
Oh!  We've done that to Mr Ditty too!   Not a grey hair when I met him 6 years ago!  Now they he is pretty grey... on his chest as well!   He is like the silverback ape!   This is what I tell him... trying to make it sound all macho and positive.. not that the kids & I have aged him two decades in 6 years!
Dirtyprettygirlthing offline 8705 Forum Posts Today at 11:27 (Edited: ) Reference: Hoob though went grey soon after he moved in Oh! We've done that to Mr Ditty too! Not a grey hair when I met him 6 years ago! Now they he is pretty grey... on his chest as well! He is like the silverback ape! This is what I tell him... trying to make it sound all macho and positive.. not that the kids & I have aged him two decades in 6 years!
6 years for us too lol, he's also lost quite a bit of hair and gained some up his nose. got white tufts in his beard (when he doesn't shave)...gained a few frown lines/laughter lines...nothing to do with the stress of putting up with us ofc

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