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I'd bet that everybody thinks that way. I know I would. 

Steve is a really nice guy, but his snoring is atrocious. Most people wouldn't understand the logic of nominating him for snoring though, and they would turn it into "Oh my god, you voted Steve! He is a nice guy. This is discrimination!"

We all know by now how narrow-minded and knee-jerk the British public can be. It is a PC nation, and some people looooooove to find fault in anything they can.
Steve did get one nomination.....

The housemates usually struggle to find reasons to nominate in the first couple of weeks, it's like their honeymoon period...and there was a valid reason, that perhaps is irritating more than just Ben (I'm speculating here, I havent found out if it is or not)...just would be interesting to find out...
arggh Forum on a go slow for me atm

anyway they do seem to be quite conscious of the public and what they would think

Earlier the boys were discussing what the public would think if Dave had picked Steve in the Eviction task earlier. .it was light-hearted in a way but obviously on their minds.. I can't recall if Steve was there at the time tho..

they thought Dave would have been vilified by the public for picking on a 'war hero' ... their words not mine ..and that even if it had been a tactical vote to get one of the others out thinking Steve was safe it wouldn't have been seen that way

they laughed a lot thru this exchange but you could feel they felt some truth in it..

to be fair I think they are insulting the public and grossly misjudging them. .

I am sure that most think if Steve is/becomes a knob then legs or no legs he deserves to be nom'd and evicted..

So far tho as Ben has said he's the most stablest person in there atm. .
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Another interesting thing about Ben's comments is that they tie-in with Mario's earlier warning to him about the cereal milk.

Mario's point was (as others have said here) that HMs are often really struggling for nomination reasons in the first couple of weeks, so will grab hold of any old excuse.
In the context of some previous series, wasting food and keeping everyone awake actually seem quite good reasons, but would you still use them to nominate someone you otherwise (I assume) quite like?

Having said that: it sounds as if Ben nominated someone-else he quite likes (Sunshine) instead, so it will be interesting to hear what his reasons for that are...
Eugene's Lair
Ikataili, peoples of the thread

No Olly, you're right they did have the convo, Steve made his feelings more than clear.  What really gets my goat is wet talk like this actually harms disabled people, it does no bloody favours and just feeds the nasty bitter disabilist prejudices.

I had hoped that after Sophia, Verne, Mikey, Pete and Darnell it wouldn't be an issue any more.  I'm tired of it tbh.
Actually, tired is a gross understatement.

By no stretch of the imagination would any of these convos be popping up, in the house, over on DS, here, anywhere about any other minority group (save for maybe Transexuals)

*I am including people with mental health problems, LD and the neurodiverse under the bracket of disabled for ease of typing, btw.
Ikataili - re Marcus - Yep, agreed Marcus would have had no qualms about evicting anyone - even Jesus had he been there.  People almost expected it of him. But then Marcus sold himself as a bit of a rebel. Its more shocking when a `nice` person does it. And I think Ben is right, there is a section of the general public that would condemn him for that, mainly because he`s educated and speaks well.
Jeggo (Ben`s Buddy/Member of JJ`s LS]
ah yeah I wasn't wrong or forgetful or dreaming. .shizzle mentioned the convo. . cheers

and Leccy I know what you mean. .I think something happens to even half sensible people when they enter the BB doors and most lose any iota of common sense they have

it's like  Light's Camera's Action .. Cue HM's turn into complete  knobs.. 
Mount Olympus *Olly*
I think that's the thing though Ika, people miss the point.  No one is under the impression that you have to like every Gay person in  the house to prove you aren't homophobic.  If someone was to vote Shabby no one would be screaming homophobia, people wouldn't bat an eyelid.  So what's with this crock about having to like Steve to prove a point. 

Like him or don't like him Ben, but base it on his personality and nowt else!
I could be wrong but I feel they may be concerned not so much by Steve's disabilities but how he came to be injured....A serving soldier in N Ireland serving queen and country ...As I said I could well be wrong I often am
Perhaps Lee, not sure if it would have carried quite such strong feelings a few years back but yes in the current climate...especially with the British Tabloid Press' drive to back Help for Heroes etc... You could have a point.

And Leccy I know what you mean. .I think something happens to even half sensible people when they enter the BB doors and most lose any iota of common sense they have it's like Light's Camera's Action .. Cue HM's turn into complete knobs..
hey're so scared of 'doing a Jade' I'm sure they dont want to be seen to put a foot wrong with any 'group' <<<<...
I think Bb has added to it too. .

since they have been in there I have heard quite a few HM's mention that BB has called them in for using terms that could be deemed offensive on the outside and at one point they were all saying that they were getting really paranoid...

one I do remember is Govan saying BB called him in for using a term to describe his mix raced younger [is that correct? I am so confused nowadays I dunno what it right and what isn;t anymore ] sister that could be deemed offensive.. he was apoplectic because he said I ahd no idea . .

dunno what he said tho but he did say he used the term all the time in multi race company and had never been pulled up for it..

very weird

So to summarise my Waffle BB is making them worse as well
Mount Olympus *Olly*
I think part of it is what Lee said up there ^^...the serving Queen and country the middle of a war....newspapers and TV full of our injured servicemen every day...Ben is nothing if not media savvy (I reckon anyway)...and he doesnt want to shoot himself in the foot maybe..

I'm sure at the moment its not a huge issue with him, but as the weeks go on and the snoring continues, the irritants in the house put more and more pressure on the housemates, they should all nominate freely and honestly, and I dont know if that'll happen....then again, in two weeks time Steve's snoring could be nothing in comparison to what some other numpty is getting up to...
I think it does stem from CBB5 sometimes you see them say something and the look of panick like when JJ said about Shabby 'is that not an offensive word ' he looked really shook by it and then you could almost see the others questionong themselves is it an offensive word?

It happened last year as well

Also it was said that Mikey never got many votes from BB8 but not sure why? and certainly don't want to get in to the 'he only got so far cause he was blind debate'
There are also names like mulatto etc.. I think it's more an issue in the USA because it's important for people to work out % wise how much of their DNA is white or black. It's more of a political thing there (slavery, civil rights, mass emigration etc.). My origin is just a regular boring story of two people who simply fell in love 
oops sorry I got frozed out again

cheers for clearing it up. .it really is hard nowadays.

I think the term Govan got called on by BB was the half caste word..

blimery leccy I'd give up if I had to break my origins down that much. .

am half Irish/Polish and not a tad  of British anywhere except for the fact I was born here... .   .but there's a bit of Spanish thrown in somewhere that came out in me so am very darked skinned too . .I got the same 'insults' thrown at me at school as all the other non white people did.. talk about ignorance back then and still there now ..  
Mount Olympus *Olly*
not a tad of British anywhere except for the fact I was born here

Hahaha, this made me laugh.

I was born in Ireland, my parents are both Irish, but I spent most of my life in England and speak with an English accent.  I consider myself to be English.  Funny how people view their nationality differently.
Last edited by SpiderMonkey

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