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He joined the army and returned to this country not with a crowd applauding his coffin,but  literally in pieces,with some pieces missing.
With the skill of the surgeon's lancet, a team of dedicated nurses and true determination he now walks on borrowed legs with his right eye missing and a body full of scars.His mind must also be scarred,but do we see a broken man,on the contrary what we see is a strong happy yes happy man.
There are many more like him that are undergoing the pain of the knife to be brought back to a semblance of their former selves,that will be watching BB and Steve.It will give them hope at least that they too maybe able to live a normal life when their wounds have healed.
It's people like Steve that make this country great.
He is now in a house of mirrors.Not for him the posing and preening of his self and ego.Steve just gets on with things.
If you were to ask Steve.
"How do you feel?"
He'd probably reply.

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I get the feeling because Steve served in the army and is an amputee people just automatically treat him differently, just like Pete with Tourettes, Mikey being Blind etc.
I don't think he is being treated differently though, with Mikey and Pete it was kind of obvious they were all treating them differently but Steve is being treated exactly like the other HMs, but both the public and the other HMs, people just seem to admire his story.

Also, he seems a pretty alright chap, I don't really have any solid opinion on him yet though.
Ty Miss S.....Hi Lecs how's you?.....I agree Lecs I wouldn't want to see Steve slagged off as you stated but can you just imagine the comments on this and other forums if it were a mum of 8 .....Being a parent shouldn't be a disadvantage for any HM especially being  used as a reason to slate them, be that a mother or a father.
I'm good thanks Lee, hope you are

Yes, you're right, I can only imagine...I didn't like Ulrika (as a person) but some of the stuff that was said about her leaving her kids was awful.  I honestly don't get how being away from your kids for a few weeks is going to hurt them.

The only issue (if you can call it that) I have is, have these parents thought about their behaviour in the house and how it will impact on their child...Leah springs to mind.
I felt really sorry for her son due to her "speak without engaging brain, smut-talk"...however I don't know what their relationship was like so maybe he was fine with it.  I was gob smacked once or twice though!
Reference Leccy Today at 17:28:
I didn't like Ulrika (as a person) but some of the stuff that was said about her leaving her kids was awful. I honestly don't get how being away from your kids for a few weeks is going to hurt them.

There are a number of factors at play, though. I would tend to agree with you about Ulrika, but there's a big difference between CBB and BB, where you could be in the house for 3 months - a long time for young children. This was one of the main issues raised re Saffia last year.
The other thing about Saffia was that she was a single mum, so the children would have been subjected to a complete change - it's not as if the other parent would be remaining in the home to maintain some consistency (which would be the defence in Steve's case.)

As it turned out, it appears to have been Saffia who couldn't cope - though you still had to wonder if she'd really thought about it properly before entering the house...

Eugene's Lair

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