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Gossiping. Tittle-tattle.
Intrigue. Exciteable and quick fire confidences exchanged through the early hours of this morning.
Sharing who they like and who they dislike.
Is this equivalent to revealing their likely nominations?
They (Shabby and Govan) agree about 2 groups - the bathroom group and the bedroom group.
Shabby believes they can muster 8 supporters.
They are not yet sure about Rachael.
But they agree that Sunshine  is top of  their hit list.
Steve, Dave, Mario, Ben, JJ are - apparently - also under threat.
But it was their manner of whispering, gossiping, intrigue which was so unpleasant.
Shabby openly admits to a desire for fame, while Govan probably revealed too much.
He became so animated and excited by the furtive nature of this interraction.

Based on this early-morning session it is a case of Govan & the girls against the rest.
I don't trust either of them one fraction of one centimetre.
I thought I liked Govan - I dont now.
What a very revealing session that was. Full of exaggeration and twisted memories.

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If you talk or hint about who you will nominate, you should automatically be up. BB really needs to nip this in the bud, this year.

I agree Yogi - it has gone on for far too long with housemates not getting punished in previous series - it would make a nice change if they were to come down really hard on this obvious breaking of the rules this year.
He's blown it for me too spider.
I was open minded until 4.a.m. this morning.
He positively thrived on the bitching session.
The pair of 'em were being very nasty and devious. Some of the most nasty-intentioned plotting I've ever seen on BB.
Yes, I now know both Shabby and Govan are unpleasant.
(I noticed Shabby allowed Govan to talk a lot - perhaps with the intention of learning more from his words to turn against him in the future.)
Govan and Shabby have certainly dropped to rock bottom in my list.
Govan and Shabby have certainly dropped to rock bottom in my list
Mine too,they brought to mind children in the playground, ill be your friend if you'll be mine and we wont let them be our friends, i know they all want to stay in the house,but at the end of the day its up to the public, and they are not endearing themselves.
Mary Seacole

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