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Josie - I continue to think she's really likable
Stephen - Inspirational man, amazing!
Ben - Glad I gave him a fair chance.
Caoimhe - Like her but I worry she might turn into Noirin.
Nathan - Nice guy even though he has hairy shoulders.
Ife - She's growing on me.
Corin - Didn't think I'd like her - I was wrong.


Govan - Nice guy 90% of the time, bitches the other 10%.
Shabby - The dramatics and hissy fits spoil her a bit.
John James - Not really decided on him yet.
Mario - Did like him but he blabbed about the TOT.


Rachael - Stereotypical BB bitch.
Sunshine - Drama, sulky, whining, annoying!
Dave - Wet fish.

What about you guys, have you revised your original first impressions yet?

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Didn`t like Corin to begin with cos thought she was lying about her age and seemed a bit hard nosed and over tanned, but think she`s quite sweet now. Proves I shouldn`t judge a book etc ....  Being a blonde suited her better.

Liked Sunshine to begin with - now gone right off her for obvious reasons.

Still like all the others except Rachael.

We don`t see enough of Nathan to make a judgement yet.
Jeggo (Ben`s Buddy/Member of JJ`s LS]

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