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How people react under extreme situations shows their character and sometimes justly wins admiration, see Shilpa Shetty (excuse spelling)  Sometimes it merely evokes sympathy, see Shabaz (excuse memory failure if name incorrect - the Scottish Pakistani gay guy from Pete's year)  Shilpa won, Shabaz was evicted.  I don't think Sunshine is being bullied at all but if it turns into that if could be the making of her or not.  Sympathy does not automatically equal votes.  Certainly not with me
Selina K
It was truly disturbing. And he really didnt do anything to deserve that, he was annoying but arent we all?
He was annoying but sooooooooooooooo funny to watch. I remember on the first night when he had them all up singing 'celebration' and then the Bette Davis/Joan Crawford impersonations with Leah ........the guy was a raving loony but bloody hilarious.
Soozy Woo
He was annoying but sooooooooooooooo funny to watch. I remember on the first night when he had them all up singing 'celebration' and then the Bette Davis/Joan Crawford impersonations with Leah ........the guy was a raving loony but bloody hilarious.
I didnt really watch livefeed then but even from the HLs he seemed harmless, yes with a few loose nuts but harmless nonetheless. I think I dropped a tear or two when they isolated him.
I'm not keen.
But I 'm afraid it is for very shallow reasons.
>For example I don't find her good looking.
>I can't stand her hair, which she fondles, arranges and flicks unnecessarily.
>She does that thing of crossing one leg over the other at the knees and then bouncing the top leg up and down, bouncy-bouncy-bouncy endlessly
I find her too annoying.
Shabaz was evicted.
I think he left of his own accord .........that was tragic - a man breaking down on live television. I found that one of the most disturbing things I've ever seen on BB.

I missed all of that ... I think I must have been away on holiday when the whole Shabaz thing happened.

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