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Govan: "I know I am  intelligent, but I am not so silly as to think I am more so than other people."
Gossip, swapping information, tittle-tattle, let's talk about others.
Govan has divulged rather more than Shabby.
But both of them have clearly said they disapprove of Sunshine.
They think she is superior.

Shabby has identified "another one".
She says "She (??) is one as well."
She goes on "There has been one in every single series of Big Brother."
So Shabby has her eyes on a second female target as well as Sunshine.

Govan fishes but Shabby does not divulge.
Gossip, gossip, quick, fast, tittle and tattle and exciteable. They are being very carried away by thie conversation.
Opinion - but can they trust each other? Who is gaining from this exchange of information.
Govan and Shabby now at smoking area.
Again Govan smoking camply, Shabby doing non-smoking.
Shabby: "There are people I don't like - Sunshine"  (is this equivalent of discussing nominations?)
Shabby: "Then there are others who...".(missed it sorry)
Then they boldly worked their way round the beds and decided 8 people were  acceptable to them.
Shabby "I like Dave ...but......"
ad break
It seems that Mario, Ben, Steve, Dave, Sunshine are not in their group.
Shabby is now clearly defining that there are 2 groups.
Govan goes along with this.
They go to make tea.
Govan says that he firmly believes that no one from his/our group of friends has done anything offensive.
He is buttering up Shabby for all he is worth!
They are high on intrigue!

Govan says he tries to be impartial. He also says that none of his friends have behaved in an unpleasant way.
Govan now sits on the kitchen worktop.

It's interesting to hear how they repeat an incident and adapt it to their way of thinking.
They are so excited about this conversation that it is too fast to record accurately.
The gist is they are trying to agree on who they like and dislike, while checking out if the other is being honest.
Goven continues, excitedly, almost incoherently, to pour forth.

After repeating (gabblingly) an incident Govan says to Shabby "I knew it wasn't you; I knew it wasn't you; I knew it wasn't you."
So they have made it clear to each other that they will most likely be nominating Sunshine.
We also know that there is a "bathroom" gang plus Govan.
Shabby defending her behaviour towards Sunshine: "She hasn't once made an effort. ....I'm not going to force myself to like everybody."
Govan:"I will treat you with respect  even if I don't like you." Telling Shabby that he likes everybody, while at the same time her that he dislikes some people.  
I'm confused

Now Shabby sits on the worktop too.
It seems that neither Govan nor Shabby are yet 'sure' about Rachael.
Rachael's future (with them) may still be in the balance.
Govan and Shabby want the core group to run its course and not have new housemates spoil things.
4.35  How can they blame a snorer for lack of sleep, when they are chatting in the kitchen? (opinion)

Camp Govan getting camper, the more he settles into his role. Animated,exciteable, bring it on, more, more, over-the-garden-wall gossip, there's no stopping me now.

Ife (who has joined them) is "like" becoming harder to understand "like".

Bedroom. Some of the sleepers have been awoken - but not by the snorer - by the late arrivals to the bedroom.
Mario sleeping free from ants.
Govan, Shabby and Ife at smoking area.

Now in bathroom.
Govan: "I don't want to go to bed."
Goven: "This isn't me. This isn't me."
(does he mean bedtime or does he mean the conversation?)

(why do BB housemates clean their teeth for 10 minutes longer than a proper person?)

Goven, Shabby and Ife now decide to sit round the bath dangling their feet in the water. Reminiscent of a seaside paddling pool  (and typical of the average person at 5.a.m.)
Shabby, Ife and Govan almost seem to have exhausted any conversation, other than fantasy.
All the bedroom is asleep (even with 1 snorer.)
A shot of Corin in the hammock.

Bathroom. Conversation tired and going nowhere.
5.30 a.m. Back for another smoking session.
(opinion - after this will they complain about being kept awake by snoring?)

This is not engrossing enough to keep even me awake.
Goodnight from LUTer brisker.

Brilliant work Brisket... I almost felt I was watching it

I am less tired today and therefore less grumpy and my puter is moving a bit faster atm and my browser is not freezing on me every minute so tis not getting on me nerves..  yet..

 will start a new LUT later on when Lori is around so we can have a 'proper' titled one for the rest of the series. [or when I or somebody else starts LUTting for the day] will put a link to it in here until it gets stickied so there's no confusion.. hopefully

Unless someone else wants to start it?

Call it something like Big Brother 11 Live Update thread?

not a lot going on in there.. morning waking up stuff.. getting of cuppa's and general chit chat.

am off to properly wake up myself
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Great minds and all that Croc

if peeps need a gen chat BB thread about nowt in particular, fine, but as a sticky?  All the Other Gen discussion threads for programmes aren't sticky's.. tis a tad weird especially in a BB discussion forum   

I'm off to start the new thread. .will put a link to it in here.. hopefully Lori can unsticky this and sticky the new one
Mount Olympus *Olly*

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