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I have loved every single one of the episodes since Dr Who made a come back with Chris Eccleston...with the very big exception of the bliddy Abzorbalof (sp?!!) one with Peter Kay....the best bit about that episode was the music...and the fact the it was only a one-parter....had it been a double bill I may have had to kick my telly-box!!
Reference: Me
And in due course what is the cause of the crack in the fabric of time will become clear, and it may turn out to involve both historical characters and aliens, and it may involve something else (I have a suspicion but I'm not going to say what).
And now my suspicions about what was happening seem to becoming correct (and I have not read anything or seen anything before or during the series about what was going to happen) but I will say no more about what I think will happen next week. Of course, if the crack can't be sorted out then none of us will have ever existed and this thread will never have existed - we will all just have been figments of our own non-existent imagination.
El Loro
The problem is that you can't have the Cybermen or the Daleks every week. One of the obsevations of the "old" series was that whenever the producers felt the series was in difficulty, they brought back the Daleks. There's only so many times the Daleks can return for "one last, climactic battle", and besides: not everyone has been happy about the "remodelling" of the Daleks (IMO, it had more to do with commercial motives than anything).Personally, the most recent monster reminded me of Gilliam's Jabberwocky. As for mutant lizards: I assume you're talking about the Silurians. In fact, they are an old monster that first appeared when Jon Pertwee was the Doctor. The newer lot just have better make-up...

I agree, I'm getting a bit tired on the Daleks and Cybermen.  There is only so many times the Daleks can be defeated for once and for all only to reappear in the next series.  Maybe a rest for them in the next series.  Last night's show did have a feel of "Dr Who's greatest monsters" about it. 

Reminded me of an evil version of the scene at the end of "Who framed Roger Rabbit".  One of the things that irritates with this new incarnation is how the doctor has become an intergalactic super hero celebrity, which was never a theme in the old series.

If I recall correctly, in a previous series didn't the Daleks want to destroy the universe?  Now they're all pally with everyone who hates the doctor to save the universe.
I'm really enjoying this series too. I must say though I do watch on a very superficial level .............don't think too deeply about the rights and wrongs. Mygrandsons both love it too and the youngest one is only two and a half .......he grabbed my hand the other night and took me into the dining room and said - 'Look Nanny - crack in wall' then laughed his head off.
Incidentally there is no crack in the wall ........or at least I can't see one
Soozy Woo

This series has been so much better than I had anticipated following the departure of Dave did seem an impossible task for Matt to take over....yet he has been wonderful and I have to admit that I haven't once wished Dave was still there!! I cannot believe that next week is the last in bliddy quick did that go??!! Then it's a long 6 month wait til the Crimbo Day special.....

I'm gutted that it appears Rory may actually really be dead....was soooo excited when he came back last night...only to become an Axon....I cling to the hope that the Doctor can find a way to bring him back properly!

....I cling to the hope that the Doctor can find a way to bring him back properly!

Hmmm.. .me too, but not yet.    I don't like that he went off in the Tardis with them - it is kinda becoming like public transport.    Some of the mystique is lacking in the new episodes (I mean all of the last three)  not enough to spoil my enjoyment though.  Bring him back in the finally of Amy's last series - that'll do me.
Just to let you know that the next pc adventure game after City of the Daleks and Blood of the Cybermen is due to be released on Friday 27th August. It's called Tardis.
Thanks for that El Loro I thought it was never coming out, I have so enjoyed playing the first and second, although I was ages getting started on the first because I couldn't find a way to cross the gap I'm such a numpty!
My brother also had dreadful problems trying to get started with the first.

My main problem with the first was at the climatic scene when the area starts shaking and there's a time limit. I was using mu old wired mouse and the response was so bad that it was impossible to avoid getting zapped. In the end I change the mouse to a new wireless mouse and was then quickly able to finish it.

I thought the second game was somewhat easier than the first, but maybe I was just lucky in going down the right paths.
El Loro
I thought the second game was somewhat easier than the first, but maybe I was just lucky in going down the right paths.
I thought the second game was definitely easier.  Was it the first or the second where you had to avoid the Daleks in that place with so many rooms?  I kept getting lost and I got so fed up with being taken back to the same spot.  Also that game where you had to guide the little things through the maze, drove me mad!   You could get 2 in but if you bumped into a wall you then had to start all over again I don't know why game manufacturers don't make action games like this much any more, there are so many HOGs (hidden object games) and I really enjoy the action ones.

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