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Ciggies are next on the list yogi but the government recently pulled the funding at my doctors and drop in centre so finding somewhere thats helps is proving a little difficult but i will.
Good for you Kelly, I admire your determination.
I don't smoke and I don't drink but I need to lose some weight and I need a kick up the backside to get started.
Ciggies are next on the list yogi but the government recently pulled the funding at my doctors and drop in centre so finding somewhere thats helps is proving a little difficult but i will.
Well done you .........................don't look for help with the cigs (dont make it an excuse) you can very easily do it on your own once you've made your mind up. The whole gym experience will be sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much better if you've kicked the fags! 

Set a date in your head .................go out and buy the nicotine replacement gum and just go for it. I did it 22 years ago and have never looked back (unfortunately I'm still chewing the gum) ............still better than smoking though.
Soozy Woo

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