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I see the Million Pound Drop thing is back for a few days.
But little has changed.
I see the questions are still largely trivial and/or obscure.
Some of the contestants are still over-dressed.
The current woman has several kilograms of eye make-up on.

And still - and most amusingly - one member of the couple talks too much and certainly does not listen, while the down-trodden one is ignored.
Love watching the greed come to naught.
(Why don't they have ordinary people on?)
"It's up to you" says this contestant to her partner, while being quite determined that it will be her choice.
Neither of them know, and yet they fight for their random  choice.
The female contestant ignored her partner and made the decision. She doesn't listen.

She was wrong.
They've lost everything!
They are getting married.
Reference brisket Today at 22:45:
(Why don't they have ordinary people on?)
It has to be acknowledged that this is not a quiz show in the proper sense (like, say, "Mastermind" or "Only Connect"), where the viewers are invited to applaud high achievement and give themselves a pat on the back when they get a question correct themselves.

Rather, it's an entertainment show, and the contestants are chosen primarily on how they are likely to react, and so that the audience can have a smug feeling of superiority.

"The Weakest Link" is very similar. Private Eye magazine has been running a "Dumb Britain" column for ages, and TWL contestants dominate it. However, a reader (who had been through the show's selection process) pointed out a while back that the contestants chosen are often not those who score best in the auditions, but rather tend to be those willing to guess an answer they don't know instead of just saying "pass"...
Eugene's Lair

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