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Forum nocturnal madness lives..!

Mr. Cosi kept shoving and pushing me one night and saying I was snoring way too loudly and keeping him awake.  After numerous nudges I sat half-upright in bed and attempted to wait for him to doze off (see how nice I am?).

He zonked out and I laid back down.

Then, just as I was about to go off to sleep myself he shoved me again.
Boy did I kick him back hard (harder ) and give him an earful.

The snoring was coming from the dog (a-kip on the landing).
My hubby is a very restless sleeper, I've narrowly escaped a black eye on several occasions. 

I do get very cross when he starts flailing around during the middle of the night and have been known to give him a thump.  It's actually quite frightening when you're sound asleep to be awakened like that, we've got a huge superking bed now to minimise the risk, but I couldn't entirely rule out the chance that I'll end up with a bruise or something at some point.
Starfleet Admiral hoochie

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