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Reference:Yellow Rose
Squiggle that's always confused me too lol. The family pic was photoshopped by Sayed's younger brother (oops forgotten his name) on Zainab's instruction. The Masood's are my fave family

 The storyline that keeps going totally over my head are the 3 youngsters, girl with blue hair but mainly Fat Boy, or is it correct to say Phat Boy these days? what's with all the ice cream van thing and all that stuff he comes out with that's so ott, hope they aren't in it for much longer
Masood is my favourite charchter in EE at the moment, I dunno why, i just like him (not like that)......

I loathe the 'phat' Guy with the Ice Cream van, and his hangers on. I did read there had been a spin off called E20 or something and they all came over from that...apparently they have made "quite an impact"...did I miss something , anyway, the lad who got Lucy preggers and Ja ja (or whatever her name is) are definitley going soon, thank God...
The Devil In Diamante

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