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I'm beginning to think that the best possible outcome for me would be a Conservative Lib Dem alliance, 6 months or so of folk realising what a much bigger mess of the economy Dave and his chums can make, then a further election in Nov with no tactical voting and Labour get back in

That's exactly what I'm hoping for Super
t was reported that those who voted Lib Dems tactically to keep the Conservatives out are pretty angry if Clegg sells out to Cameron, wasted votes, I'd be angry too
He's in an unenviable position really ..............he can't do right from wrong. There will be those who tactcally voted to keep the Tories out but also Labour .........whoever he sides with he wont please them all. He'll be stuffed at the next election I would think even if he does manage to get PR pushed through.
Soozy Woo
But surely that would increase spending, aren't HVs paid more than outreach workers?
Its not really about wanting the government to increase spending. Its cutting the spending which could cost people jobs.

"aren't HVs paid more than outreach workers"

Thats the problem, paying for new HVs and then having to get rid of outreach workers, its all well having health visitors but outreach workers work socially with familys, they work under the childrens centre itself. Everything just seems to have a cost to it.
Reference Dirtyprettygirlthing Today at 14:42:
  Yes Soops.... that is indeed Star Wars! The bloke in black is Darth Vader.... the other one is Luke Skywalker. Darth Vader is about to tell Luke he is is father & then chop his hand off!
Well, strictly speaking it's from the 2nd film - "The Empire Strikes Back". However seeing as we're talking Star Wars here, I think the following may be appropriate at the moment...

Eugene's Lair
Its not really about wanting the government to increase spending. Its cutting the spending which could cost people jobs.
See that's what I'm just not getting Meaty, (am I being thick?) So they'll get rid of the   outreach workers on a low wage and decrease jobs for them, but replace them with HVs, hence increasing jobs for HVs who earn more than treble that of Outreach Workers. Or are they intending to decrease staffing by a third so as to not increase spending?
See that's what I'm just not getting Meaty, (am I being thick?) So they'll get rid of the outreach workers on a low wage and decrease jobs for them, but replace them with HVs, hence increasing jobs for HVs who earn more than treble that of Outreach Workers. Or are they intending to decrease staffing by a third so as to not increase spending?
"So they'll get rid of the outreach workers on a low wage and decrease jobs for them, but replace them with HVs, hence increasing jobs for HVs who earn more than treble that of Outreach Workers."

Pretty much, there will be alot less staff because they making way for HVs. Labour have been alright to the childrens centres,  they did cut their wages around a month ago in mind... but they didnt get rid of them.

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