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Gordon.. David.. and Nick.. the lines are closed... the votes have been counted and verified.. and I can now reveal that the next person to be evicted from No.10 is.......... Gordon!!!

I think it would be nice if Davina McColl could do a big brother style interview with Gordon Brown next week.  Maybe have some of those cheap tacky psychologists there to interpret Gordon's body language.


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Maybe have some of those cheap tacky psychologists there to interpret Gordon's body language.
He's been on Sky News for weeks!  The BB fella, after the debates...of course under Murdoch's orders Brown's had the worst body language or whatever (I wasn't paying much attention, I've just been pondering how much I actually detest Sky News)

Urgh, as soon as any programme brings that Judi whatserface out, I can feel my eyes start rolling. They had her interpeting their body language after the first TV debate, and a load of old cobblers it was! 

I remember a few years back, one of the right-wing rags showed close-up pics of Gordon's nails. First pic showed them looking neat, but in the other they were bitten to the quick. Rag interpeted this as a sign he was finding the job of Chancellor too tough, went into huge depths about why - and conveniently ignored the fact that his baby daughter had just died around the time of the second pic.


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