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All my survival plans are bomb-proof Carport!

a) If Labour survive... get out a fine bottle of vintage wine!  

b) If the Tories win, get out a fine bottle of vintage and enjoy telling anyone who moans and whinges for the next 5 years about what the government is doing 'Well, I never voted for them!'. Been 10 years or so since I've been able to say stuff like that!
The Thatcher years were the downfall of this country. She made sure the working Man/woman never had the power to state their own case just because the people stood behind the Miners and the Unions... Wether or not the Tory policies have changed--- We will all find out later. The Party's complain about lack of Voting initiative--but going back to the 70's 80's--- We used to get numerous knocks on the door, giving us their views--- this year, none at all........... Loads of crap through the letterbox but not one knock on the door.... Says a lot for the motivation of candidates in my constituency....
I agree Real
Not much personal contact these days. It's done by pamphlets, leaflets, flyers and other bumph, bunged in the letter box. Delivered by anybody they can find.Mostly left sticking out and not pushed through, because they can't be bothered.
(Not that I want to stand on the doorstep discussing politics. )
But the style has changed over the years I agree.
The reason why I said that if Brown isn't re-elected he would resign because of the Duffy incident is that on the following day he apologied to those working to get Labour re-elected, acknowledging that his comments about Mrs Duffy had damaged the campaign. It is that acknowledgement which would almost certainly seal his fate as he has effectively already claimed personal responsibility for the campaign.

However it is far from certain that Labour will lose. Although I can't see an outright winner, I can't see the Conservatives being able to accept the Lib Dems key proposals. On the other hand, I can see some sort of pact between Labour and the Lib Dems. It seems likely that in the voting shares, the Lib Dems will come in third place rather than second which means that Nick Clegg's reluctance to support Labour if they were in third place is now less relevant.

My guess is that we will either have a weak Conservative minority government with another election in a few months time, or a Labour government with Lib Dem support and members in the cabinet.
El Loro

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