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It sounds pathetic but dissapointment mixed with boredom normally leads to a depressed mood that can be hard to pull yourself up from. Being at work normally helps as it gives me something to concertrate on so its just bad timing i felt bad today.

Not much i can say about The Nige  but we found out on Friday that Jamie is banned for 2 years from going near water pistols
Deamon i cant see that pic
Rexi he was stopped searched round town one night, he ran and threw away a few hundre quids worth of coke. Police found it. Raided his house and found 100 rounds of ammo. He got a 2 year suspended sentance and the conditions being no water pistols or bananas down trousers which he is determind to keep to only he still sells drugs  Hes a bit backwards Jamie
he ran and threw away a few hundre quids worth of coke. Police found it. Raided his house and found 100 rounds of ammo. He got a 2 year suspended sentance and the conditions being no water pistols or bananas down trousers which he is determind to keep to only he still sells drugs
Is that all?? After finding the class A AND the live ammo? He got a right result, Judge must have had a bit of the other the night before.

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