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I'm still reeling a bit from the place in Bournemouth, the picture of the proprietor in the brochure And the sexy breathing
poor old avebury man looked well out of his depth
i was pissing myself laughing at the heavy breathing bit
and fancy having yer jacobs hanging out in a B+B brochure!
what a selling point
*runs off to get this years butlins brochure-just in case*
You have to admire his brass nerve though, he charged peeps ÂĢ75 for a guided tour of the stones
lol-i know!

avebury stones were but a stones throw away ()
you can read up about the stones on the net-i went about 30years ago when i was but a child!
but i went for a walk around all 98 of them, read the leaflet about them, and my mom and dad didnt pay ÂĢ75 for the privilage of walking round them
i reckon 'avebury man caters for the yanks who he skanks'
a poem
by pirate
You'd have thought he'd had enough sausage to last a lifetime.
i reckon that bloke has got a heart of gold
he gives up a few weeks so AIDS/HIV people get a few days holiday for free
and i think thats a great gesture


his sexual breathing/seminars (sp) etc..i just reckon that gets him a free shag

the blokes happy
he makes a few bob
he makes others happy
he gets a free shag

i think he's got the right idea

but i dont think i'll be booking in lol
ive just thought about that couple who didnt want the gay blokes in their house, the B+B and that tory bloke stuck up for them that gay fella dont want straights/women in his B+B isnt that the same sorta thing?
I thought exactly the same, and then I thought if I mention it it'll only open a can of worms, but you are right, as George Orwell said "all animals are equal but some are more equal than others"
I completely disagree Squiggle. I thought the most stuck up with the superiority complexes were the two who didn't have the classification. The snobby Dorset couple and the pillock from Avebury were awful. They may have had picturesque homes stuffed with antiques but they didn't seem to give a damn about providing the guests with a good service, only about making money. The ones who did subscribe to the star system strived to give guests exactly what they would expect of that rating and more.
Queen of the High Teas
The couple from Blackpool were the worst. He genuinely thought his address No1 made him exactly that, and they're not. (greedy and over priced for where they are, and with only 2 rooms full of confusing gadgets.     Sure the old duffer from the thatched abode had high opinions, and amusingly self - appointed gold stars, but at least they were reasonably priced, and offered the best breakfast so far.  
I completely disagree Squiggle. I thought the most stuck up with the superiority complexes were the two who didn't have the classification.
You misunderstand me I didn't mean that any of them were particularly snobby just that you have to pay to get the stars so its a bit daft to act as if you have been awarded the BB equivalent of the Nobel Peace Prize or something.

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