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The teacher who was found not guilty in Mansfield yesterday was my friends nieces teacher and she said he was such a good bloke and an inspiration to many students. The young lad wad winding this teacher up to the point where he snapped. This young lad was and is a total trouble maker and has perhaps ruined this poor teachers life even though he was found not guilty he's messed up by the whole experience.

Back to the OP - I think 'children' should be banned from using their phones during school unless it's vitally important. I can't believe the amount of status updates from school students I see on my Facebook (my cousins kids, some previous nanny kids) all do it during lessons and even upload photos of the teacher conducting the lesson one minute and video footage of this teacher telling someone off for being on their phone the next... Oh the irony!

I'm bloody glad I'm not a teacher!
Brisket... this is why there is so much emotion & parents go to extreme measures to get their kids into the secondary school "of their choice"...

...its because... the failing schools, the ones we will move house to avoid our child having to go to...  they are bad!!!  

I'd like to say that government initiatives aimed to bring all the bad schools up to the level of the better ones is addressing this...  but I am not so sure it is.

Sometimes it feels like it is trying to drag the good schools down to the minimum level of acceptability... so the failing ones don't have so far to climb!
fondly remembers the days of flying board rubbers*
i was only saying this to my parents yesterday when we was talking about this case  the amount of times we had to duck out of the way of the board rubber and not once did we go home and complain to our parents about it, we just took it as normal  in metal work once, the lad next to me was talking to me and the teacher threw a chisel and it landed in the blackboard behind our heads  god you were scared of the teachers in them days

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