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but we have no right to decide whether to pay the licence fee or not.
I'm sure that later on when Murdoch puts together a package of local radio, national radio, and national television, of a quality that people want to watch, for two or three quid a week, then the Beeb will disappear. Until that day, I'm not sure I'll be here, we'll have to wait.
Unless of course his new protege hands it over.
Garage Joe
I'm sure that later on when Murdoch puts together a package of local radio, national radio, and national television, of a quality that people want to watch, for two or three quid a week, then the Beeb will disappear. Until that day, I'm not sure I'll be here, we'll have to wait. Unless of course his new protege hands it over.
But that's in the future, I am talking about the situation as it is at the moment.
Reference Ņ•ÏÎđ∂Ņ”ŅÐžÏƒÎ·ÐšŅ”Îģ Today at 16:47:
Apparently there will be a few questions in tonight's debate about immigration.
This may sound like a silly question, but I have to ask: Why?

This is already the most discussed "non-scripted" topic in the leader debates, as it's the only topic (I think) that's been brought up in both of the previous debates. All three responses in the Sky debate were notable for being virtually word-for-word retreads of what was said in the first one. Unless someone comes up with anything really imaginative, does anyone think we'll hear anything new third time round?
Eugene's Lair
Where are all these Eastern Europeans flocking from?" Brown will put his brain in gear and say, "From Eastern Europe, you imbecilic redneck!"
she obviously meant what country
and stonks
she wasnt a bigot-asking about immigration isnt tantamount to bigotry
its asking about immigration
and @garage joe-i dont think shes a redneck-which if you want to think about it, is putting another group down ie nicknames
that was a bit wrong of you really-you could of said 'youre an imbecile just like them folk from way down alabama'
oh well
i think she got the point across and she's made people look up and think a bit about the way gord looks down his beak at ordainary people
so good on her i say
demonizing people for simply asking questions about immigration drives any sensible discussion underground and plays straight into the hands of the BNP.
at last!
im not on my own lol

but i think youre right-when people start thinking theyre not safe to ask a question-and its a question that a lot of ordainary people would ask, if they get called bigots, when theyre not, they'll bolt to them BNP types
and thats not a good idea
she wasnt a bigot-asking about immigration isnt tantamount to bigotry its asking about immigration
Whatever you want to label it as is your perogetive and the same with me and asking where east europeans come from just made her look like an idiot IMHO and I'd say the same if she'd directed it at any other party member eg Cameron....
Gordon's right that hundreds of thousands of Brits leave the UK every year to live elsewhere in the world to hopefully improve their life, or for whatever their reason, whether it's in any European country, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, US, or wherever. What if those Brits were treated in the same way by the locals who might not want them there, or assume they're taking their jobs. Every family that's emigrated abroad probably has family or friends still in the UK, how would they feel if their family or friends were shunned or unwelcomed by the other countries that take them in.
Yellow Rose
i think she got the point across and she's made people look up and think a bit about the way gord looks down his beak at ordainary people so good on her i say
What point exactly? she just stood there firing out unrelated points not waiting for an answer. All this talk about the poor old pensioner just popping out to buy a loaf of bread ...................if she was the 'lifelong Labour supporter' that she claims might she not have had a bit of a clue that Gordon was in town? Pathetic ..............she simply liked the sound of her own voice - it saddens me that it all boils down to this.
Soozy Woo

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