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Ever had a manager who doesn't defend his team and lets other departments muck them around all the time? Holds meetings to agree on what they should be doing - then doesn't enforce it? Asks you to do their job for them "just this once" - for the millionth time - because he doesn't have the nuts to tell them to do it themselves?

 <<<< that's me and my colleagues, this morning.

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Weak bosses are as bad as bully ones
Indeed they can be Deman. Dangerous too.

I suppose there are times when a boss might see the overall picture as being more important than appeasing a small section of his staff. But the boss should be able to convey this honestly and openly to the workforce.

The bosses who I think most annoy me are the ones who are not up to the job. (Probably appointed by other managers who themselves are not up to the job.)

Bosses who feel insecure, inadequate and lack ability (and an understanding of human nature) often (over)compensate by bluster, cockiness, even guesswork. They are dangerous and very unpleasant bosses. They also tend to take a lot of credit for things they have not done.

This one has a relaxed, laid-back manner - unfortunately, he's too laid back to get on with the job properly. The person causing the problem was really rude to my colleague this morning, but bossman did nothing to sort it out.

An problem came up just now, where I would have had to deal with this same person. I decided not to, and emailed the boss to ask him to do it. Well, if he thinks her attitude is OK, let him deal with her!

The bosses who I think most annoy me are the ones who are not up to the job. (Probably appointed by other managers who themselves are not up to the job.)
ha!  tell me about it.

In the NHS there is a whole glut of useless workers in senior positions (to be fair... in amongst some very good people)... who were "promoted upwards to keep them away from causing any trouble on the frontline!"

oh joy!
The Chief Exec of the Trust I used to work at decided to have an area on the new Trust Intraweb called "Ask the Chief"

Staff were invited to ask him questions directly about the trust and related issues. It was all in line with his "firm belief in a top down bottom up organisation"!  (worra twIt)

The moment I saw it I laughed "oh noooooooo!" clasping my hand over my mouth.   My boss (fab boss) looked over my shoulder and said "lass... do NOT post anything on there.. nothing at all... this is going to get nasty!"

It was shut down a day later...    every question put to him was valid...  it wasn't "tea & toilets" of someones everyday job... but they were about organisational structure... or training or professional groups etc....

and nearly every reply basically said "refer to your line manager, we must be careful not to bypass the lines of accountability"!

that is how my old boss (previously referred to as fab boss... he was my mentor.. in fact, he was loads of peoples mentors).... finally got into management position.

He became the union rep...  and within 6 months management offered him a senior position (rather have him with them than against them!... though he never did fully conform!)

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