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It will definitely be lovely Renton
this summer for me will be very bittersweet
I will be entering the real world, leaving behind uni and getting an actual job (hopefully). I will be turning 21.
but I will be moving away from some of the best friends I could have ever hoped to gain, I will be moving back in with my mum- who is lovely but somehow I can't see me convincing her that drinking at 12pm is acceptable. Looks like for the next few years a lot of travelling around the country will be occurring until we all actually settle down properly.
but I will be moving away from some of the best friends I could have ever hoped to gain
Oh noooooo no no

I loved my student life so much i wanna buy a big house n be a landlord to students (and live in with them, seriously)
moving back with ya Mum depends on the Mum in question but, no way, wil it be the same.
Can you not live out - find a job in their city - something?
TRIXY Oh noooooo no no I loved my student life so much i wanna buy a big house n be a landlord to students (and live in with them, seriously) moving back with ya Mum depends on the Mum in question but, no way, wil it be the same. Can you not live out - find a job in their city - something?
Not at the moment Renton- until I find a stable job I really can't afford rent/council tax etc. Plus which friend's city would you choose haha, we do all have an aim to live in London eventually or at least nearby so maybe one day we will all be so close that meeting up can be spontaneous once more.
Its such a shame - its a bit like leaving school all over again
i understand everyone will go back to their original home towns and gettting back together is a tall order. Its entering the real world in a way - the "earn-a-wage" and settle down era.
I just don't want to move on yet and seriously wanna enter the "earn-a-wage" era by being a landlord and living with a load o students again. I miss my student days cos i left half way through, y'see.
Sorry i'm rambling
So how do you feel about this move - are you depressed, accepting, mournful, terrified?
I remember you saying in your blog that you were having a great time.
Accepting I think has to happen and although I wouldn't swap this year for anything I know that its definitely time for us to move on. I got very lucky too, I now know that the friends I have are friends for life ( I got rid of the rubbish ones over the summer) and we will always be there for each other. The first few months will be normal summer holiday feeling, I'm guessing the hard part will be September, knowing that some friends will still be in Notts at uni while others are spread all over the place or in different countries.
I understand what you mean about missing those days, especially if you didn't finish, you probably never really got the closure. At this stage we are all looking forward to it being over. If you could find a group of students that wouldn't mind a live in landlord (not of their age) then you'll be lucky haha, plus they would probably do your head in!
LOL TRIXY  i thought that too ... wud students want their landlord living with them?
But i need your advice - do you think its a stupid idea - cos i'm kinda getting serious about this, i don't want to live alone and i don't want one person sharing as they could leave. So i thought - students!!
I would be able to pay half the mortgage and the student money wud pay the rest of the mortgage as i will need a big house (4/5 bedded)
Am i being crazy - its an idea for the future - not right now
Honestly I don't think you'd find a group willing to do it. Students like the fact that they are independent they don't want to think of themselves as lodging which I personally think they would if the landlord was live in. Plus when things go wrong we like to have massive rants about how rubbish the landlord is and we like to break rules without them noticing. 
I'm sure you'd be able to find a group of people non students who would share with you though. Graduates especially.
Sorry Renton- obviously that is just my opinion you might meet a group of students who wouldn't mind it.

I think I'm very biased as last year our landlord was a student who we were friends with and who lived in the house and she tried to screw us over bigtime, and obviously got away with it because she lived there too we didnt realise how unfair she was being until we left.
Soooooo - you lived with a LandLord after saying no one wud ever go for it - LOL
I understand that stoodents wanna be renegade (i was one remember) and having ya Landlord with you must be like living with a parent figure - not cool.
But i am still student material and i wud say they shud just respect the house and then chillax ... end of.
Awww i just dunno - its an idea i have harboured since i left Uni - its a way of earning an income (i wud keep working as a care worker too) and staying in the mix, being surrounded by people cos i get lonely real quik etc etc . . .
I pass through Durham and Newcastle and i see so many people and i thin i am missing out on the buzz, the culture, the youth, the laffs . . . 
Honestly I don't think you'd find a group willing to do it. Students like the fact that they are independent they don't want to think of themselves as lodging which I personally think they would if the landlord was live in. Plus when things go wrong we like to have massive rants about how rubbish the landlord is
I agree with Trixy, I wouldn't have wanted my landlord living with me when I was a student... we also used to rant about how rubbish and dodgy he was A friend of mine did a year working in the middle of her degree, and she lived with 2 people from her course in a different city - one of those girls owned the house, so was the landlord and it caused a lot of ill feeling at the time...

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