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I've been watching father, mother and child in town.
The little kept running away.
The father called "Pe'er".  No response from child.
Mother shouted "Pe'er". Little boy ignored it.
Father and mother severally and variously shouted bellowed, screeched and screamed "Pe'er, Pe'er"
Peter disobeyed.
I know language evolves and I can do nothing about it, but I hate the dropped T and the glottal stop.
But here I saw it in practise.
The little boy will presumably now believe that his name is "Pe'er". His parents have taught him that he is called "Pe'er".  They have also taught him that it is alright to shun discipline and to ignore and disobey his parents.
2 lessons in one morning!  

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I saw a young mum, coming out of the Post Office with two year old son in tow. The child was attempting to open a packet of sweets, so was walking slowly. The mother turned back and roared at him, "WILL YOU F***ING HURRY UP!" The poor wee soul stood rooted to the spot, blinking furiously.
I was fuming and glowered at the mother - expecting a torrent of abuse in return. However, she actually looked embarassed, hung her head and took the child by the hand, saying "Come oan then."
If she roared at him like that in public, then how is he treated in the privacy of their home and will he treat his children in the same way when he is a parent? I shudder to think.
Some people really don't deserve children.
My daughter teaches in a school in quite a run down area, which houses problem families, young single mothers onbenefits etc. I was horrified to learn how many special needs assistants were employed at the school to help children who have no encouragment at home to learn basic reading and writing skills. Parents who fail to turn up for appointments to discuss their child's problems because they basically have no interest in them. ADHD needless to say is a major problem and the behaviour of the children is frightening in some cases. The Pe'er of this world are at great disadvantage, purely because of lack of parental guidance, love and attention.

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