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now yer all presumin av done sumit wrong eh

well its me whats the victim this time man a got me head kicked in off some headcases the other night in some bogs. proper did me over n that had to gan in the fraccha clinic but theyv got them leavin on cctv n 1 of thems known so ther just gettin em in n that n then therl get charged.

me face is a mess n av got a job intaview next week. shit man

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havin a few stellas tonite nums the akes n pains a bit.

all what happend was a was at a pub not me local anotha 1 n a went for a piss n a had a pube that had fell out stuk on the end of me u no what so wen a pissd it went in 2 directions to me right n left if that meks sense. a didnt no it was gona happen man a swear n the blokes next to me at the urinul went mental a tryd to explain it wasnt on purpose man n sed soz but they just layd into me n gev me a gud hiding. proper shan

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