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So some of you will know that last Friday my mum was told the devastating news that she only has months to live as her brain tumours have progressed. She wasn't told this by her oncologist but by some stand in, as he was away skiing.

She's just been to see her oncologist today and he is of a different opinion. First of all her body scan was clear (huge relief) and he is going to start her on Taxol chemotherapy on 19th April. Its very intrusive and will make her feel rotten and she will most likely lost her hair but she's willing to give it a go.

We all know that there is no guarantee this will work and is only going to be used to 'contain' the cancer (there is no cure) but its nice to know they haven't given up yet. As for the doctor last week...hmmmm.

Anyway, just wanted to let you all know. Thank you so much for your kind words and support, and I will try to keep you up to date on my mums progress when she starts the new chemo.

The family are now taking her out for a pub lunch

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I'm so glad it's looking more positive now. I've got everything crossed for you and your mum. What a totaly inconsiderate, mindless locum to give you that terrible news last week. I really hope everything takes an upward turn ...........good luck to your mum for her treatment ............not a nice thing to go through but sadly necessary.
Soozy Woo

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