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something similar happened one week in our local

this woman was shouting in her hubby's face and giving him down the banks, she slapped him a few times - in the end he just lost it and lamped her with his best upper cut she ended up flat out on the floor

i had known this bloke for years and had never seen him even slightly lose his temper before
I agree Jen, I had a Friend from Primary School who people thought butter wouldn't melt in her mouth. She got Married and had a Son, her and her Husband split up and one night she went round to his banging on the door and mouthing off at him in the Garden.

She started to kick and punch him and she spat in his face, he flipped and whacked her and HE ended up the 'bad' boy in the situation, he got sent down!!!

....she even threw a brick through his window on one occassion, which narrowly missed the baby asleep in a crib near the window....she was a psycho, poor fella, he did nothing wrong..
The Devil In Diamante
I know Jen, it was a shame for him, she had provoked him and goaded him for so long, and the one time he retaliated, he got the book thrown at him, she made out he'd done it before, which he hadn't! Thing is, everybody believed her, even my Mum as she came across so sweet and innocent, the model Daughter when in reality she was an obnoxious cow....

I know men shouldn't hit Women, and Women shouldn't hit men...people just shouldn't hit each other TBH, but in his case he had every right to hit back...if I went kicking off with some bloke, I'd expect a crack back as well...
The Devil In Diamante

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