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I always thought it would be safe to use this one
*postus interruptus*  

Actually, it's like that with many of them brisket. When you post that with me, for example, I wouldn't feel sarcasm or hostility. I'd simply feel you were feeling happy at the time! Like I said, you have to feel your way with these things with FMs sometimes... awaits Blousey's ninja now!

After thinking about it for a while, I think I use  to indicate that my comment was not confrontational or aggressive, but meant in a chatty tone.
No matter how hard we try, the reader may sometimes receive a message in quite a different way to that intended. I try hard to not leave things open to misinterpretation, but it is very difficult to eliminate the possibility. So where there may be doubt I now tend to use the  smiley.

So where there may be doubt I now tend to use the   smiley.
I think it all basically depends on the tone of your post brisket... and the FM you were referring to and how confrontational the discussion is. I love how you don't use smileys... because I see the thoughts behind without them. Hope you don't mind if I give you one of these...
I love smileys, have loads saved on my pc that I use for email friends that at times help to convey what I'm trying to get across. Sometimes words alone don't get some things across and can cause misunderstandings. Face to face convo's are different as either side can pick up quickly what's really meant, in cyberspace it's not always as easy but I think smileys can help
Yellow Rose
I do love a ninja or two
But this -----> is a bit of a dumbass smilie. I hate using it and only do so when I really need to and there is nothing else that can convey my intention in my post. (Like on the rare occasion I try to be nice, I use it to convey my 'nice' and 'harmless' rare demeanour - at times that I dont it's just a dumbass smilie)

This -----> does my nut in. The angels went into overkill on C4, especially when there pages upon ruddy pages of em one after the other.

I do like this ----> - like when I'm telling someone to go swivel

The rest of them I don't really have an opinion on? Some new ones would be nice though

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