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Does that mean that the students are oblivious to his racist views?
It's not something he forces down their throats or even talks about in passing but I think they are aware of some of his views.  They just see it as part of his "old fashioned" view of the world and disregard it. Kids are wiser than we give them credit for sometimes. They can seperate out the good from the bad pretty damn quick.

Of course I'm talking about teenagers here..... I wouldn't want him teaching in a primary school.
Reference: Ducky
It's not something he forces down their throats or even talks about in passing but I think they are aware of some of his views. They just see it as part of his "old fashioned" view of the world and disregard it. Kids are wiser than we give them credit for sometimes. They can seperate out the good from the bad pretty damn quick.
I supose they can write it off as eccentricity.

I'm stilghty more worried by a fully paid up 'member', I guess.
I did a Sociology A Level at the local FE college some years back and the lecturer was a Marxist and a member of a Nottingham Marxist society.  In my philosophy degree, one of the lecturers for the level 3 course was a Christian.  Both biased their lectures with their own views.  But of course, those are for adult learners.

If the teacher can and does teach irrespective of his views then I don't see the problem.  Of course, school kids are more influenced by their teachers and if the teacher influences them 'wrongly' or discriminates for or against some of them then it becomes a problem.  But why personal politics should be treated differently to religious views, or social class views, or personal prejudices is a bit odd to me.
Last edited by Former Member
So, which leader's wife will sway your vote in the coming election then, GJ? I'm a floating voter so I'm looking for inspiration
Moin! Lefty twat! (allegedly)

It's no great secret that in spite of my criticism I will continue with my decades old policy of voting for Labour, no matter how faux they are, no matter how attractive Mrs Cameron is. (Hubba Hubba etc.)
Garage Joe

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