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hanks noty  I'm not sure how frequent I'll be, my son is off to Afghanistan on Sunday and guess I will feel a bit pre-occupied, but in my experience the forum can be a good way for diversion,
Oh Cologne.  I can imagine how stressed you must be.  Big hugs.  He's very brave, you must be proud.  The forum can be great for distraction and reassurance too
It's driving me round the bend, truth be told. My daughter is cooking for me on Sunday a: because it's Mother's Day and b to take my mind off it.
I can only imagine the constant worry you (and other forces familes) must feel Cologne.....   I am not sure how I would cope if it was either of my kids (or grandkids).
I am not sure how I would cope if it was either of my kids (or grandkids).
He said to me that he's doing what he's signed up for and to try and understand that. I'm certain all the other boys and girls over there feel the same way, but I'm not one of those parents who feel that their child dying for their country would give me peace. I'm German for a start, but I don't think that any country should expect that sort of sacrifice. Having said that, it's his life and he wants to live it his way. He has a young family (2 boys aged 5 and 2) and the decicions are his to make. All I want is to click my fingers and be in September when he's back.
cologne 1
Baz, that is so true. I used to think that I might have an independent life once my children had grown up. How wrong was I?  I could be 100 and they would be in their 70s, I'd still be worrying and fretting.
LOL.... I know exactly what you mean.... mine are in their mid& late 30s and I think I worry more about them now than when thy were little
my daughter is going to spain in june with school and my lists of rules grow by the day  she's also been picking which college and university she wants to go too and i'm  i want her to be 3 again
Awww I know what you mean Aimee It's so much easier when you can give them a cuddle and put their world to rights I even try to grab my daughter's hand when we cross the road.... she just grins and says *i think i can do it on my own now mum*
I remember a specific night, years ago, when we were all in our beds and I just lay there, totally happy because I knew everybody was under my roof and safe.
I know exactly what you mean certainly gets harder if anything as they get older. Thank God I'm not in your position re- having a child in the forces but just want your kids to be happy. One of mine is desperately sad at the moment and I feel so helpless. You just want to make things right ......not always possible though Cologne .........I'll be thinking of you and your son (and his family) I pray that he'll keep safe
Soozy Woo

I can imagine what it must feel like for you and I always think how bloody hard it must be for parents with kids in the Forces.  Both my 2 are going through some tough times at the minute too, 1 has moved back home with me and is getting loads of trouble and abuse from her ex, so much so the police are involved. She is in a terrible state.  The other one is moving back home with me next weekend because of problems as well.

They are 20 and 22 and I am more worried about them now than when they were younger!

My thoughts are with you  ... and I hope the time speeds over and he is back safe with you soon!

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